All items as of 1.4
Hello everyone! Before you read on, I just want to note that this mod is inspired by RaolCraft and if RaolCraft did not exist neither would this mod. Some of the ideas for this mod belong to RaolTheBest, so be sure to check out RaolCraft 3 at https://mcreator.pylo.co/modification/31740/raolcraft-3-reborn-fusion .
Note: This mod is now discontinued. I've decided that I've done enough with this mod, I'm already running out of ideas. However, I will be working on a bigger mod in the meantime, which should be released at some point. This mod was just kind of a test, me coming back to MCreator and seeing how things go with a mod like this. The next mod I make will be similar, but way bigger...
Current Update:
1.5: The Gear Update
Current features:
New mob: Iron Bug, attacks certain hostile mobs.
Iron Wand - spawns Iron bug when clicked
Snow Wand - spawns block of snow
Balanced wands - Mana orbs can now be crafted, which are required to use a wand and are consumed on use.
Emerald tools: same as diamond, but less durability
Shadow tools: best tools in the game, but break quickly
Coins made of bronze - Can be crafted into emeralds
Fixed some bugs
Feel free to use this in a modpack, as the mod states who made it in the mod menu, so you don't need to give credit.
Known Bugs:
Steel Chestplate named Steel Body (MCreator limitation, need help to fix)
1.1: 1.1 - The Nightmare Update
Fixed a bug where Solidifiers were stackable
Added Rainbow Sticks and 3 Wands (Flame, Surf and Spark)
Added Nightmare Dust, Ingots and Blocks
Added Steel Blocks
Added a new dimension: the Undershade; accessed by building a portal of Nightmare Blocks and lighting it with a Nightmare Stick
Added Nightmare Stick
Added Fallen Soldier
Added Shade Orb
Added Shadow Gun and Bullet
1.2: 1.2 - The Mining Update
Added Tin Ore, Ingots and Dust
Added Tin Cans, can be used to can Rotten Flesh and Spider Eyes so they are safely edible
Added Steel Armor
Added Bronze Dust and Ingots
Removed Talon Bush
Fixed the Spark Wand
1.3: 1.3 - The Breakfast Update
Added Fried Egg
Added Raw and Cooked Bacon
Added Bowl of Cereal
Added Bacon and Eggs
Added Monster Jerky
Added Toast
Added new Food tab in Creative
1.4: 1.4 - The Nightmare Update II
Note that this update is mainly to fix a few bugs and glitches in the mod, but I also added some new stuff to the Undershade!
Added Deceased Road and Shade Desert biomes
Added Bruised Chicken
Fixed a load of bugs
1.5: The Gear Update
Current features:
New mob: Iron Bug, attacks certain hostile mobs.
Iron Wand - spawns Iron bug when clicked
Snow Wand - spawns block of snow
Balanced wands - Mana orbs can now be crafted, which are required to use a wand and are consumed on use.
Emerald tools: same as diamond, but less durability
Shadow tools: best tools in the game, but break quickly
Coins made of bronze - Can be crafted into emeralds
Fixed some bugs
Inspired by a whole plethora of mods (including RaolCraft, as said), GerbilCraft brings you a good experience no matter what your play style. Below you can find all the things added in this mod.
Here are some of the items in the mod:
Copper - Used to create the disintegrator and the solidifier
Disintegrator - Used to turn ingots and minerals into dust
Solidifier - Used to turn dust into minerals
Dusts - A form of mineral which can be combined with other dusts to create new dusts (see below)
Dust Hybrids:
Steel - Crafted from iron dust and coal dust, used to make steel tools (same as iron, more durability)
Rainbow - Crafted from redstone, copper dust, gold dust, emerald dust, diamond dust, lapis dust and obsidian dust, used to make wands
Nightmare - Crafted from coal dust and obsidian dust, used to access the Undershade
Bronze - Crafted from copper dust and tin dust, used to craft coins, used to make emeralds
Wands: (Wands are special tools, when right-clicked they perform an action.)
Flame - Causes an explosion
Surf - Gives the user Fire Resistance and Water Breathing for 20 seconds
Spark - Strikes lightning
Iron - Spawns Iron Bugs, which attack certain hostile mobs.
Snow - Spawns a block of snow
Leave your thoughts and suggestions down below!
I'm not going to list the crafting recipes, there's too many. Use JEI or another crafting recipe mod.