Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
AFTER. The 1953 War of the Worlds mod is complete, my next mod project will be a dalek mod. I can't call it the "dalek mod" though because that name is already taken. Dalek craft features ONLY daleks. There is essentially just one mob, The dalek. However it has no casing yet so you must build a casing for it & programe the dalek to your will. A GUI will come up where you add items & computer parts into the dalek. But first you will need a dalek creature. They can be obtained by naturally finding them, converting animals to daleks, using the spawner or killing already developed daleks. After you have obtained a dalek you must then kill it. It will then drop itself as an item. You then put the item in the dalek casing along with the other required things. There will be two slots below that where you put the special dalek tools e.g Dalek gun & suction cup... Once activated it will behave acording to it's programing. There are multipule colours that the daleks can come in. Naturally spawning daleks will be most commonly found in wrecked space ship structures & can also be found terrorising villages.
Can someone please teach me how to make structures for the mod?
Can someone please teach me how to make structures for the mod?
Sorry I double posted again, silly me.
Estimated release date is about in a few days time.
How do you expand the radius of the mob's awareness bubble?
It's up to you. Come up with something creative that has to do with Daleks and Eonaut (which is a made up word meaning "dawn voyager" or "early sailor")
Or you could just call it a dalek-fied Eonaut
Unfortunately I have no idea how to get structures to work. I've made schematics myself, but they just don't work. If you figure it out, let me know
For some reason the postes aren't coming up in order.
Can someone PLEASE tell me how to make mobs with explosive projectiles.
First, your mob should implement IRangedAttackMob. Then add EntityAIArrowAttack to the task list. (I have such inner feeling that maybe the recent versions of MCreator do that already).
Now all the magic happens in attackEntityWithRangedAttack() method.
There you practically just create an instance of your projectile (I use custom entity for it, but if you want, you can use vanilla EntityArrow, EntityFireball..... for it)
My looks like this(The highlighted parts are the important ones ):
public void attackEntityWithRangedAttack(EntityLivingBase p_82196_1_, float p_82196_2_)
EntityShot entityarrow = new EntityShot(this.worldObj, this , 2);
if(this.getHeldItem().getItem() instanceof mcreator_gunItem.ItemGun){
entityarrow.setDamage(((mcreator_gunItem.ItemGun)this.getHeldItem().getItem()).getDamage() + 15);
this.worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this,((mcreator_gunItem.ItemGun)this.getHeldItem().getItem()).getShotSound(), 1.0F, 1.0F / (this.getRNG().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F));
Okay I'll try that, Thank you.
I'm confused. Is there a more simple way?
or not, there are a few delays, but that gives me more time to make more daleks, any suggestions?
Is anyone still here anymore? Or are you just busy doing other things? I'm just curious to know.
And here are all the daleks so far
[spoiler][/spoiler] Paradign daleks, 2005-2010 daleks, ironsides, movie daleks, old school daleks, 70s-80s daleks, renegades & suicides, imperials & special weapons daleks, the storm, Modder's custom daleks, council daleks, invasion daleks, exxilon daleks & that's all I can think of at the moment.