Real Life Mod! New Real life Items,food and mobs!

Published by ashhab12 on
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What are the items, blocks and the craftings?

there is items, LOTS OF FOOD, 1 gun, and few new mobs, and more!


-Salty Water

-Swimming Water

-Warning Block Or the Dont Come Here BLOCK

-the holy ingot

-holy knife


-raw frie

-cooked frie, also instead of the sapling it can be anything which can cook

-french frie

-hot dog

-hamburger, i think thats how a hamburger looks like and crafted

-swimming Costume BUGGED TEXTURE

-teddy bear head

-teddy bear


-holy water



-pistol ammo


-orange juice



-hot chocolate

-chocolate milk

-chocolate bar

- new dimenshion /THE HEAVEN/ need the holy water and a portal shape but instead of obsidian its diamond use holy water as igniter

and i think thats all! maby i dont know...

iam sorry if i missed anything.


Minecraft mod files - the main download Uploaded on: 07/23/2015 - 18:08   File size: 180.81 KB

The Trlauncher Login In error With Some No 1.7.0 1.12.2 1.16.5 Verison Just Wrong Says Human.
That Crashed Minecraft.

DONE! I added few crafting recipes but for some i canot find them in my folder, sorry! but you can always use not enoph items mod

hey guys cant belive but this mod is quite populer! also if you wanna use it for mod pack , you can but give me credits

oh sorry let me try agien by the way your mod is populer! hopefully my mod will be populer too!

Umm... dude, your download file: 0 bytes. In other words, nothing's in it.

the crafting recipes arent there but i will soon add them! i got all the images but i dont know how to add the images into this forum! can someone tell me?