A Little Bit Of Everything

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Welcome To, "A Little Bit Of Everything!" In this mod, there is a little bit of everything. (Note): More will be added! ;D

Link To My Website: http://alboe-modsite.my-free.website

FueL  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 2 types of Fuel, the Ash Fuel, which is harvested from the Green Ash/ White Ash Tree. This fuel cooks 16 items per 1 piece of that fuel. And the Oil Fuel, which is made by smelting CrudeOil Ore. This fuel cooks 21 items per 1 piece. 


FooD  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 17 types of Food, the Yellow Delicious Apple, Apricot, AgaricusMushroom+2 varients, AgrocybeMushroom, AmanitaMushroom, BoletesMushroom+2 varients, ChanterellesMushrooms+1 varient, Cooked Bue Boletes, Cooked Red Boletes, Cooked Yellow Agaricus, Salted Bread, and Peppered Bread.


 MushroomS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 10 types of Mushrooms, the Agaricus+2 varients, Agrocybe, Amanita, Boletes+2 varients, and Chanterelles+1 varient


BusheS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 15 types of Bushes, the Glossy Abelia, Dwarf Russian Almond, Golden Globe Arborvitae, Woodward Globe Arborvitae, Aconite, Ageratum, Anemone, Angelica, Angelonia, Artemisia, Aster, Astilbe, and Peppercorn Plant


TreeS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 16 types of Trees, (Note): All Tree types have Plank versions and biomes. (Here we go!) Hall's Hardy Almond, Early Harvest Apple, Lodi Apple, Red Delicious Apple, Red Jonathan Apple, Stayman Winesap Apple, Yellow Delicious Apple, Early Golden - Apricot, Moorpark Apricot, American Arborvitae, Emerald Arborvitae, Green Giant Arborvitae, American Nigra Arborvitae, Green Ash, White Ash, Quacking Aspen!


 GrasS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 11 types of Grass, the Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Rough Bluegrass, Red Fescue, Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Thermal Blue, Bahia, BuffalsoGrass, and CarpetGrass


StructureS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 2 types of Structures, the LogCabin, and LogPile


ItemS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 58 types of Items, the Steel Ingot, Steel Rod, Ripped Grass, Copper Ingot, Pig Iron Ingot, Combined Alloy, Combined Alloy Ingot, Bronze Ingot, Omaneo Shard, Mithirilia Ingot, Omaneo Ingot, Graphinite Powder, Graphinite Ingot, Tsarlama Powder, Tsarlama Ingot, Epic Alloy, Epic Ingot, Powerium Ingot, Awesome Ingot, Rareium Powder, Rareium Ingot, Legendary Ingot, Hide, Hide Piece, Reinforced Hide, Graphinite Hide, White Petal, White Dust, Red Petal, Red Dust, Pink Dust, Blue Petal, Blue Dust, Magenta Dust, Green Petal, Green Powder, Cyan Dust, Combined Dust, Dough, Salt Powder, Pepper Powder, Red Ingot, Green Ingot, Tin Ingot, Tin Circuit, Copper Circuit, Diamond Circuit, Mother Board, Springer 2600, Speeder 2600, Protector 2600, Breather 2600, Wooden Chisel, Stone Chisel, Iron Chisel, Steel Chisel, Ash, Stone, and Cooked Grass


WeaponS+ToolS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 19 types of Weapons/Tools, the Steel Sword, Copper Sword, Bronze Pickaxe, Bronze Sword, Epic Pickaxe, Epic Sword, Epic Shovel, Epic Axe, Epic Hoe, Epic Pashel, Awesome BattleAxe, Legendary Pickaxe, Legendary Sword, Legendary Shovel, Legendary Axe, Legendary Hoe, Legendary Paxe, Legendary Pashel, and Legendary Pasword


ArmoR  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 9 types of Armor, the Steel Armor, Wooden Armor, Epic Armor, Awesome Armor, Legendary Armor, HidePiece Armor, Graphinite Hide Armor, Traveler's Shoes, and Bionic Armor


BlockS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 53 types of Blocks, the Steel Block, Copper Ore, Copper Block, CrudeOil Ore, Pig Iron Ore, Pig Iron Block, Bronze Block, Mithirilia Ore, Omaneo Ore, Graphinite Ore, Tsarlama Ore, Powerium Ore, Rareium Ore, Powerium Block, Awesome Block, Legendary Block, Graphinite Hide Block, Black Planks, Red Planks, Green Planks, Brown Planks, Blue Planks, Purple Planks, Cyan Planks, Dull Planks, Gray Planks, Pink Planks, Lime Planks, Yellow Planks, Sky Planks, Magenta Planks, Orange Planks, White Planks, Salt Ore, Magical Red Spawn, Magical Green Spawn, Red Block, Green Block, Nether Tin Ore, Nether Copper Ore, Raw Basalt, Basalt Brick, Sandstone Brick, Raw Marble, Marble Brick, Lapis Brick, Gold Brick, Redstone Brick, Diamond Brick, Coal Brick, Iron Brick, PigIron Brick, and Copper Brick


AchievmentS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 27 types of Achievments, "Can I Steal That?", "Don't Steel Me!", "Cooper Who?", "The Irony!", "Got Brawn?", "Amen-Eo?", "What About The Pencils?!?", "All Hail King Lama!', "Feel The Power!", "Feel The Pow-Der?", "OK, Not Poisoness!", "Well This Is Poisoness!", "We Need To Hide!', Finnaly! It's Done!", "Think About The Cows!", "All Of This For Dust...", "Spi-Salty", "Possibly The Worst Powder Ever!', "Ugh!", "Bouncy!", "Is There A Father Board?", "Protection Against What?", "Gota Go Fast!", "Who Needs Air?", "Ba + Salt!", "The One Thing Notch Diden't Want!", "Marbles! Wait, Nevermind..."


MobS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 3 types of Mobs, the Forest Roamer (No longer spawns for glitch reasons), Male Hide Cow, and Female Hide Cow


ModeleDBlockS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 56 types of Custom Modeled Blocks, the HHAFence+3, EHAFence+3, LAFence+3, RDAFence+3, RJAFence+3, SWAFence+3, YDAFence+3, EGAFence+3, MAFence+3, AAFence+3, EAFence+3, GGAFence+3, ANAFence+3, GAFence+3, WAFence+3, QAFence+3, Wooden Table, Wooden Flat Chair, Assorted Tabletop Items, Wooden Crate, Wooden Pallet, Stone Pathway, Dirt Slab, and Grass Slab


 CreativETabS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  There are 4 types of Creative Tabs, A Little Bit Of Blocks, A Little Bit Of Items, A Little Bit Of Weapons/Tools, and A Little Bit Of Armor


RecipeS  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are 79 Recipes! Trust me, naming them is just anyoing. But they exist.



-Cant find any custom biomes for each tree? Keep looking, they are out there,

-Some tree logs/leaves drop special items, (Yellow Apple, Apricot, Fuel, or just Sticks).

-Think what I should add is better than what im already planning on adding? (More Food, A LOT more Trees, more bushes, Flowers, Mushrooms, and Types Of Grass), then leave suggestions down in the comments! ;D

-Some mushrooms are poisionous! Be careful!

-All Grass types drop Ripped Grass.

-Structures will spawn in specific biomes, the LogCabin for forests, and the LogPile for plains.

-Steel is made by smelting Iron Ingots.

-All armors have postion effects for some of their equipment.

-You can cook 3 mushrooms, but cooking them doesnt mean they are good for you! 

-You need Brown Planks to craft the Table, and Flat Chair

-Every color of dye creates the new Colored Planks

-You will only have 1 use for the Chisels! sorry! ;C

-The Bionic Armor Texture when worn will show up as a blank Grey-ish color!

All the planks can make sticks and crafting tables! ;D

Ash and Ash Powder are 2 different things!


Update History:

Version 1.0 Had: 38 Downloads

Version 1.1 Had: 78 Downloads

Version 1.2 Had: 84 Downloads     

Version 1.3 Had 129 Downloads                                               


Anyways, make sure to check this mod out! ;D

Minecraft mod files
alboe1.7.jar - Version 1.7 9/28/17 Uploaded on: 09/28/2017 - 23:58   File size: 2.48 MB
alboe1.6.jar - Version 1.6 9/19/17 Uploaded on: 09/20/2017 - 01:01   File size: 2.53 MB
alboe1.5.jar - Version 1.5 9/10/17 Uploaded on: 09/11/2017 - 03:05   File size: 1.93 MB
1.4alittlebitofeverything.jar - Version 1.4 9/4/17 Uploaded on: 09/05/2017 - 00:20   File size: 1.45 MB

Version 1.0: Too Many Plants Mod

Version 1.1: Too Many Plants Mod

Version 1.2: Too Many Plants Mod

Version 1.3: Too Many Plants Mod

Version 1.4: A Little Bit Of Everything

Version 1.5: A Little Bit Of Everything

Version 1.6: A Little Bit Of Everything

Version 1.7: A Little Bit Of Everything

Thia mod is really cool but I think that you should make spoilers in the description... It's a bit messy