[NEW VERSION]Social Empires

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Empires adds 4 blocks (2 of them customized) also adds 10 aggressive mobs(1 custom mob) and 4 peaceful mob(with GUI),3 decoration(2 custom),3 armor,2 bows,1 swords and 1 spear(custom),1 food,4 structures,3 tools(CUSTOM),2 itens!



Target =  Target is one block, you can test your archery skills

Target= https://prntscr.com/izw80f

Rock = Rock is a custom block, generates between level 30 to 80, very easy to find, when broken drop 2 cobblestones

Gold Rock =  Gold Rock is a custom block, generates between level 1 to 30, easy to find, when broken drop 2 golds

Rock and Gold Rock= https://prntscr.com/izw8aa

Purple Diamond Ore = new ore of the game, has few functions yet, but you can already use it to make the best pick


Scarecrow =  Scarecrow is a custom block, whenever you want to hit someone, hit him because he is unbreakable...Right Click put

 Scarecrow= https://prntscr.com/izw4p6

Barrel = Barrel is a custom block,=When broke,drop random itens

Barrel= https://prntscr.com/j51ktm


Spearman =  Spearman is a custom mob, has a giant spear, crazy to kill adventurers

Spearman= https://prntscr.com/izw9ee

Swordsman =  Swordsman is a very strong mob, has an iron armor and a basic iron gold sword

Swordsman= https://prntscr.com/izw9yf

Long Swordsman =  Long Swordsman with armor of gold and the iron gold sword,he have beautiful helmet

Long Swordsman= https://prntscr.com/izwa8h

Powerful Swordsman =  Powerful Swordsman is a strong fighter, has a very powerful armor, which grants him special powers such as speed, super jump, brightness and night vision

Powerful Swordsman= https://prntscr.com/izwagj

Royal Swordsman =   Royal Swordsman is the noblest fighter, possesses a unique sword, and also a beautiful and very strong armor

Royal Swordsman= https://prntscr.com/izwaqh

Villager Empires =  you can make trades with him, for very rare items of the game

Villager Empires= https://prntscr.com/izwgat

Villager Empires Gui= https://prntscr.com/izwgfe

Villager Empires Exchange= https://prntscr.com/izwgl8

Monk =  hate zombies,they are demonic,have gui where you can get gold through the sacred book

Monk= https://prntscr.com/j5kjcx

Engineer =  the famous builder of the game, is a peaceful mob, has gui where you can exchange gold for building blocks

Engineer= https://prntscr.com/j5kjcx

Healer =   help you on your journey, hate zombies and every time you touch her, she will give life to you

Healer= https://prntscr.com/j5kjcx


there are five more, but they are variations of these...


Spear =  Spear is a custom tool, it is dropped from spearman

Spear= https://prntscr.com/izwcwv

Royal's Sword = Dropped from royal swordsman

Gold Bow = Dropped from Heavy Archer and Powerful Archer

Royal's Bow = Dropped from Royal Archer

Monk's Tool = Monk's tool is a custom tool,clicking with the right button will shoot lightning

Monk's Tool Hand = https://prntscr.com/j51l2b

Monk's Tool = https://prntscr.com/j51lbg

Engineer's Tool = Engineer's tool is a custom tool,clicking with the right button will give you building blocks

Engineer's Tool = https://prntscr.com/j51lfz

Healer's Tool = Healer's tool is a custom tool,right-clicking, will regenerate your life

Healer's Tool Hand = https://prntscr.com/j51ljh

Healer's Tool = https://prntscr.com/j51lo1

Royal Armor =  Royal Armor is a noble armor,has effect like resistance,strenght and night vision,emits particles and glow in the night

Royal Armor Day= https://prntscr.com/izwgxj

Royal Armor Night= https://prntscr.com/izwh57

Powerful Armor = Powerful Armor has effect like jump boost,speed and night vision,emits particles and glow in the night

Powerful Armor Day= https://prntscr.com/izwhda

Powerful Armor Night= https://prntscr.com/izwhml

Medieval Helmet Armor =  armor that the Long swordsman and heavy archer use


Tomato = new plant and game food, can be obtained from the tomato plant, you must right click to pick it up

Tomato Plant= https://prntscr.com/izwhvr

Tomato Food= https://prntscr.com/izwi47


Barracks I = Spawn Spearman

Barracks: https://prntscr.com/j0za1m

Barracks II = Spawn Swordsman

Barracks II: https://prntscr.com/j0zac5

Barracks III = Spawn Long Swordsman

Barracks III: https://prntscr.com/j0zaii

Archery I = Spawn Light Archer

Archery: https://prntscr.com/j0zaq0


Sacred Book =  serves for craft monk's tool, also for regeneration

Purple Diamond = drop Purple Diamond Ore







Minecraft mod files
Social Empires.jar - Social Empires (1.1.5) BugFixed [OLD VERSION] Uploaded on: 04/07/2018 - 04:46   File size: 926.97 KB
Social Empires.jar - Social Empires(1.2.0) Alies Selection [NEW VERSION] Uploaded on: 04/13/2018 - 03:12   File size: 1.03 MB

1.2 Alies Selection

-bugfixed custom tools(spear)

-added monk's tool

-added sacred book

-added monk

-added GUI monk

-added engineer's tool

-added engineer

-added GUI engineer

-added healer tool

-added healer

-added TAB

-removed  iron gold swords

-removed basic iron gold swords

-added TAB2


1.1.5 BugFixed

-do not show tab for Spearman MobSpawner

-do not show tab for Light Archer MobSpawner

-do not show tab for Swordsman MobSpawner

-do not show tab for Long Swordsman Mob Spawner

-removed Purple Diamond Pickaxe


1.1.0 Structures

-added Barracks I

-added Barracks II

-added Barracks III

-added Archery I

-added Spearman MobSpawner

-added Light Archer MobSpawner

-added Swordsman MobSpawner

-added Long Swordsman MobSpawner

-added Barrel


1.0.5 Essential

-added purple diamond ore

-added purple diamond

-added purple diamond pickaxe

-added tomato

-added tomato plant

-added Gui villager Empires

-added villager empires



-added Target

-added Gold Rock

-added Rock

-added Scarecrow

-added Spearman

-added swordsman

-added long swordsman

-added powerful swordsman

-added royal swordsman

-added light archer

-added medium archer

-added heavy archer

-added powerful archer

-addedroyal archer

-added spear

-added basic iron gold sword

-added iron gold sword

-added royal sword

-added gold bow

-added royal bow

-added powerful armor

-added medieval helmet armor

-added royal armor



hello good mod but you could make the royal sword, royal bow and the medieval helmet more expensive to make for example (which are attached with a purple diamond) also give uses to the Diamond purple and the rocks of gold and normal you could also make the spear can be throw and that the royal armor is attached with 4 diamonds, 4 redstone and the part that corresponds to the body of that armor that is diamond
and finally you can make the villager empire have more trades and that the tomato has uses for example to make pure tomato (the crafteo would be with a bowl and the tomato) and that the tomato can be planted