
Published by smmmadden on
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GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
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Gravels (29): Black Yellow Green Blue Pink, Blue Green Pink, Blue Shaded Stone, Cocoa Brown, Crushed Stones, Deep Blue, Green Purple, Heavenly Blue, Jade Nephrite, Jet Black, Light Gray, Marine Blue, Marine Blue Black, Natural Gravel, Neon Green, Neon Green Black, Neon Purple, Neon Purple, Neon Purple Black, Neon Red, Neon Yellow, Orange, Pink, Pink Purple, Purple Passion, Red Black, Rose Red, Turquise Green, White Gravel

Biomes: All gravels can be found in levels -50 through 180 in all biomes

Plantable: All gravels can be used for planting flowers on them

Drops: 30% chance in dropping Flint and 10% chance dropping Gunpowder

Coarse Dirt: Colored Gravels can crafted with Dirt to get Coarse Dirt

Dyes: Crafting Dye with Gravel will result in colored gravels

Concrete Powder: Crafting colored gravels with Sand will result in colored concrete powder

Smelting: Smelting colored gravels will result in colored glass


Sherds from TmTmc Gravels? For gravels found in the Warm Ocean Biome, Cold Ocean Biome, Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Taiga, Old Growth Birch Forest & Jungle Biomes will now produce different Sherds when right-clicking with a Brush. If you are able to get the drop, the gravel will break and be removed. In some rare cases, you may get more than one drop!  Below are effective in version 1.0.13.

Warm Ocean Biome
Angler Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (Deep Blue Gravel)
Shelter Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (Marine Blue, Marine Blue Black Gravels)
Snort Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (Heavenly Blue Gravel)

Cold Ocean Biome
Blade Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (Turquoise Green Gravel)
Explorer Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (White, Black Yellow Green Orange & Blue Gravels)
Mourner Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (Jade Nephrite Gravel)
Plenty Pottery Sherd - 6.7% chance (Pink, Pink & Purple Gravels)

Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Taiga, Old Growth Birch Forest and Jungle Biomes
Burn Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Green & Purple Gravel)
Danger Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Neon Yellow Gravel)
Friend Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Purple Passion Gravel)
Heart Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Neon Red, Red & Black, Rose Red Gravels)
Heartbreak Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Neon Purple, Blue Green & Pink, Neon Purple & Black Gravels)
Howl Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Neon Green, Neon Green & Black Gravels)
Sheaf Pottery Sherd - 8.3% chance (Orange Gravel)

Desert Biome
Archer - 12.5% chance (Cocoa Brown Gravel)
Arms Up - 25% chance (Blue Shaded Stone Gravel)
Brewer - 25% chance (Crushed Stones Gravel)
Miner - 12.5% chance (Jet Black Gravel)
Prize - 12.5% chance (Natural Gravel)
Skull - 12.5% chance (Light Gray Gravel)

Advancements added for each biome gravel with 25 XP Points & 5 XP Levels when sherd gets dropped!


Trading with Vanilla Villagers (1)

Mason - Takes Emerald Ores


Commands (5): /gravels


File Location: /{minecraft world}/config/gravelsconfig.json

Command Options: ALL - all players, OPS - Level 4 Ops Only


  "enable_commands": true,

  "gravels": "ALL",

  "enable_welcome_message": true,

  "welcome_message": "Welcome to our server ",

  "enable_player_join": true


goals and challenges


- Find all Gravels and get 20 XP + 10 XP Levels

- Craft Coarse Dirt and get 20 XP + 10 XP Levels

- Craft all Concrete Powders and get 20 XP + 10 XP Levels

- Craft all Concrete and get 20 XP + 10 XP Levels

- Craft all Stained Glass and get 20 XP + 10 XP Levels

Challenges (Complete all the goals for Level 1)

- Complete all goals above to complete Challenge and get 20 XP + 25 XP Levels


Achievements / Advancements for TmTmc Blocks

- XP Points and new Leveling System (For all Gravels)

resource packs

TmTmc-ResourcePack: Want to get HD images for all the blocks, items, etc, then add this ResourcePack. Supports HD Image of Gravel Blocks. The same Resource/Texture Pack supports all released TmTmc Mods (TmTmc-Gravels, TmTmc-OresAndMore & TmTmc-ServerBasics). Also includes HD Textures for Coarse Dirt, Cobblestone, Dirt, Mossy Cobblestone, and Stone


For crafting and smelting recipes, we recommend using JEI as it provides all the recipes when you click on a block/item. 

This mod is made with MCreator mod maker. If you want to make a mod too, check their website 

Author/Owner: smmmadden

Maps/Worlds Tested: Single Player and MultiPlayer Server

Mod (some) Compatibility: Better Title Screen, BetterF3, Cycle Paintings, JEI, MineColonies, Portable Mobs, TmTmc-Gravels, TmTmc-ServerBasics


Our other Projects

TmTmc-ServerBasics is available for Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4 & 1.20.1

TmTmc-Gravels is available for Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4 & 1.20.1

TmTmc-ResourcePack is available for Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4 & 1.20.1



Minecraft mod files
TmTmc-Gravels-1.20.1-1.0.13.jar Uploaded on: 03/26/2024 - 02:38   File size: 2.02 MB
TmTmc-Gravels-1.0.14-neoforge-1.20.4.jar Uploaded on: 04/21/2024 - 02:59   File size: 2.02 MB

04/20/2024: Updated to support Minecraft 1.20.4 - NeoForge 1.20.4 

Added "Information" dialog in JEI for all TmTmc-Gravels for additional help


Dependencies (Plugins): File Manager, Just Enough Items

It was long over due to have the description and recent updates posted here. I do have other versions available, but wanted to make sure 1.20.1 is at least posted which has tons of features!

I Am asking before i do. can i put this in mod packs?(With my own mod and a few others) I want to make a game that fells more real and fake at the same time which is why it will be mixed with othere mods nd my own

Thank you for asking, note that it is stated in the resource that permission is granted.
"ModPack Use: You are permitted to include my mod in your modpack as long as it is not changed in any way and includes all files from this site. Kindly give credit when you do. :-)"

Very nice mod.
PS: in real life you can't make glass with gravel, only with sand (well, only silica sand, but this is minecraft)