Hospital Mod Xpansions - Walls and Flooring Pack

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Hospital Mod Xpansions - Walls and Flooring Pack

Add more detail to your building projects with the Walls and Flooring Pack add on.

What is it?

The Walls and Flooring Pack brings a variety of HD blocks to Minecraft to be used for making detailed and realistic floors and walls, these are themed around Hospitals and is a great addition if you are using any of the Hospital Mod's within your projects.

This mod features several vinyl floors, matching walls and other types of textures walls such as brick, concrete and coloured plaster.


To use this mod, you will need to
have the latest version of Minecraft Forge and be using Minecraft version

You can download the latest version
of Minecraft Forge by following the link below;


Firstly you will need to ensure you
have installed Minecraft Forge correctly and this is working with your
Minecraft Client, you should also make sure the version of Minecraft you are
using is version 1.12.2.

If you do not know how to install
mods for Minecraft, follow the below guidance. I would strongly recommend
viewing some YouTube tutorials if you are still unsure.

Windows Installation

  • Download .zip file


  • Move .zip file to your ‘Mods’ folder, this can be found by going to the following

Open up any file/Windows Explorer

Clear the address bar and type in %appdata% and press enter

Open the .Minecraft folder

Open the ‘mods’ folder

Drag and drop the .zip file here

Mac Installation

  • Download
    .zip file


  • Move
    .zip file to your ‘mods’ folder, this can be found by following the path below;

/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/mods

  • Drag
    and drop the .zip file here


If you like
my content, please check out some of my other mods which are available to
download and subscribe for regular updates on new content.

Follow me
on Twitter @Leon90_

to 90TV on YouTube for content
previews, tutorials and updates.


Minecraft mod files
XPansion Pack - Walls and Flooring.jar - Xpansion Pack - Walls and Flooring Uploaded on: 03/19/2019 - 00:45   File size: 3.47 MB
XPansion Pack - Walls and Flooring V2.jar - Xpansion Pack - Walls and Flooring (Updated Version 2) Uploaded on: 03/31/2019 - 13:30   File size: 3.47 MB

Hospital Mod Xpansions - Walls and Flooring Pack - Updated to V2


  • V2 update fixes an issue with the wall textures wrapping the whole block, this made the walls look untidy if using the blocks around an opening such as a window. All wall blocks have now been updated to only show the decals/trims on the 4 sides (N/S/E/W) and the 'Top' and 'Bottom' will have no decals/trims on them.

Nice mod, all your mods deserve to be MOTW, Are the models and textures of your mod free to use? As long as we say that YOU made them