Have you ever been struggling on trying to make something?
Have you ever open a Forum Topic which is called "how to do _____?"
This Mod is for you...!
This is not really a mod but mainly a Workspace with everythings possible with MCreator,
Remember! This Workspace is BETA! Not all features of MCreator are in this workspace and they will be added with updates :D!
Interesting things this workspace contains:
Hammers - A Custom Hammer which break walls by 3x3x1 or 1x3x3 Depending on player's direction!
Growable Plants - A Custom Wheats that has 8 Stage with their procedures that Enable them to Grow!
Custom Crafting GUI - Used with new 1.8.3 Template, A Custom Crafting GUI made with procedures and GUI!
Stairs and Slabs - Custom Stairs and Slabs models!
Custom Grass Shoveled - Ability to transform a Custom Grass into a Grass Path!(shoveled grass)
Village Defenders! - Kills basic hostile mobs around, Example: Zombies, Skeletons and more!
Flame Thrower - Throw Flames when keep on right click!
Teleportion Staff - Look at Somewhere and right click, it will teleport you there!
What K-Klemen? (Mobs)
Latest Update: Version 1.0.2
- Added Archer Defender
- Fixed Slab and Stair 3D Model, now they render properly in inventory! Available in "Useful Resources" in Download on the page!
- Added the Forge and Forge 3D Model, 3D Model available in "Useful Resources" in Download on the page!
- Added Slow Falling Boots! Makes you fall slowly! (A bit annoying)
- Added Goomba 3D Mob Model (Should be smashed when jump on him but will be possible soon!)
- Forge has 1 crafting which can be found in his Procedure!
Minecraft Main Page Changes: https://mcreator.net/forum/46703/tutorial-editing-minecraft-main-page-and-loading-terrain
Optional-Adding more Templates: https://mcreator.net/forum/47499/tips-and-tricks-adding-templates
Hammers - Related: https://mcreator.net/modification/47147/hammers-craft
Slow Falling Boots: https://mcreator.net/tracker/issue/48173
More: Coming soon!
If you have any idea of what can be added, Comment it below!
Upvotes this Mod! This will help a lot of starters!
Thanks to Goldorion for contributing in the mod!
Latest Update - 1.1.0
- Added Custom Potion Effect
- Added Custom Overlay when Sneaking in creative
- Mini Improvements
- Added a Key Binding
- Added some Structures
Update: Version 1.0.2
- Added Archer Defender
- Fixed Slab and Stair 3D Model, now they render properly in inventory! Available in "Useful Resources" in Download on the page!
- Added the Forge and Forge 3D Model, 3D Model available in "Useful Resources" in Download on the page!
- Added Slow Falling Boots! Makes you fall slowly! (A bit annoying)
- Added Goomba 3D Mob Model (Should be smashed when jump on him but will be possible soon!)
- Forge has 1 crafting which can be found in his Procedure!
Latest Update: Version 1.0.1
- Village Defenders! - Kills basic hostile mobs around, Example: Zombies, Skeletons and more!
- Flame Thrower - Throw Flames when keep on right click
- Teleportion Staff - Look at Somewhere and right click, it will teleport you there!
Release 29/3/2019 (1.0.0 - The Release)
- Released the Mod
the plant is not so good,make it a block etc. but he rest is awesome for new players :)