Survival of the Minecraftist (SOTM)

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This mod is designed to add to but not change the main aspects of Minecraft, I do not take credit for the textures, most textures were found on

Edit: I have been told that some of the Ender Blocks are from Chisel 2 so credit to the creator of Chisel 2


Edit 2: This mod is being completely redone from scratch, textures are being remade and some new features


Use NEI for Crafting


Important Items

Sandpaper - Makes Polished Stones

Chisel - Makes Bricks, Tiles and Chiselled Stones and Blocks

Bone Knife - Chops Food

Nether Steel Hammer - Breaks Pumpkin in a Crafting Grid - Need more Ideas


Nether Ores

Nether Ruby - Common and stronger than Diamond but has the weakest Durability, can craft Weapons and Tools

Nether Steel - Common and stronger than Diamond but you can only craft tools

Sulphur - Can be crafted into Gunpowder by placing it into a crating table

Nether Gold - Simply just Gold in the Nether

Shadow Quartz - The same as Quartz but dark blue

Dark Quartz - The same as Quartz but Black

Rose Quartz - The same as Quartz but Pink

Venomite - 4th Strongest Material, can craft weapons and tools

Onyx - 3rd strongest Material but can only craft Armour

Nether Actinium - Broken, needs to be fixed as this is the strongest Ore

Hell Coal - Most common ore in the Nether, same as Coal but smelts more items


Nether Stones

Netherstone - Nether Cobblestone - Polished Netherstone - Chiseled Netherstone

Pink Netherrack - Netherrack but it's pink - can be crafted into Pink Netherbrick

Burnt Netherrack - can be crafted into Burnt Netherbrick

Dried Magma Block - Spawns in patches of Magma Block - Can be Dyed in all colours

Venomite Rock - Essentially Venomite formed into a rock - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Orange Inclotrolite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Yellow Inclotrolite - Same as Orange just Yellow

Red Inclotrolite - Same as Orange just Red

Soul Sandstone - Spawns in patches of Soul Sand and can be Chiseled and Polished

Phiethenite - Can be turned into Bricks - Spawning is Broken

Hellignite - Can be turned into Bricks

Preheite - Can be Polished

Bauxite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Roseignite - Can be made into Bricks and Tiles

Nether Andesite - Can be made into Bricks

Nether Diorite - Can be made into Bricks

Nether Granite - Can be made into Bricks

Firestone - Can be made into Bricks

Ash Stone - Can be made into Bricks

Soulstone - Can be made into Bricks

Neutile - Can be made into Bricks

Demonite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Crystone Quartz - Can be Polished and made into Pillars

Hellerite - Can be Polished and made into Pillars

Tuff - Can be Polished and Chiseled

Carborite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Warm Basalt - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Quartzstone - Can be polished and made into Bricks

Lavarite - WIP




Nether Misc

Coesite Sand - Can be made into Coesite Glass

Compacted Coesite - Made with Coesite to make Hardened Coesite and then Dyed

Soul Glass - Can be made with Soul Sand and you can walk through it

Cracked Netherrack - Self Explanatory

Cracked Netherbrick - Self Explanatory

Silk - Makes Dyeable Silk Block - Drops from Nether Spiders


Nether Food

Lava Berry - Spawns Naturally

Quartz Berry - Spawns Naturally

Crackled Netherwart - Can be cooked into Baked Crackled Netherwart

Nether Spider Leg - Comes from a Spider - Can be Cooked





Ender Ores

Rabidium - Can be made into Tools and Armour

Cinistine  - Decorational Block

Crystaline - Similar to Quartz

Grenelite - Similar to PurPur but Green

Certus - Can be used to Dye things Cyan (Need Ideas for this)

Bedrock Fragment - Can be made into Corroded Bedrock and then smelted to Bedrock


Ender Stones

Voidic Endstone - Endstone but Purple

Solidified Enderpearl - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Witherite - Can be Polished and made into Tiles

Argonite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Blue Verophanite - Blue Verophanite Cobblestone - Blue Verophanite Bricks

Purple Verophanite - Purple Verophanite Cobblestone - Blue Verophanite Bricks

Seaphane - Can be Polished and made into Panels

Enderium - Can be made into Bricks

Terrorlite - Can be made into Bricks

Skylite - Can be made into Bricks

Voidstone 1 - Can be made into Bricks

Cosmic Endstone - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Enderlium - Can be made into Bricks

Green Enderchrome - Can be made into Bricks

Purple Enderchrome - Can be made into Bricks

Eximite - Can be made into Bricks

Shulkerite - Can be made into Bricks

Enderwrought - Can be Polished

Purple Mistyst - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Green Mistyst - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Voidstone 2 - Can be Polished and Chiseled

Ghostite - Can be Polished made into Bricks

Eletrin - Can be Polished and made into Bricks


Ender Misc

Ender Sand - Can be made into Ender Glass

Liquid Enderpearl - WIP

Cracked Endstone - Self Explanatory

Endstone Pillar - Self Explanatory

Enderpearl Plate - Top Texture from the End Portal Frame reused as a Plate made from Enderpearls





Overworld Ores

Copper Ore - Stronger than Iron (Bug) weaker Durability


Overworld Stones

Arkose - Can be made into Bricks

Dacite - Can be Polished

Diatomite - Can be made into Bricks

Gabbro - Can be Polished

Limestone - Can be Polished

White Marble - Can be Polished

Black Marble - Can be Polished

Orange Marble - Can be Polished

Rhyolite - Can be made into Bricks

Scoria - Can be made into Bricks

Shale - Can be made into Tiles

Gritstone - Can be made into Bricks

Chalk - Can be made into Bricks

Dolomite - Can be Polished and made into Pillars

Hornfels - Can be Polished and Chiseled

Novaculite - Can be Polished and made into Pillars

Periodtite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Phylite - Can be Polished and made into Tiles

Amphibolite - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Cold Basalt - Can be Polished and made into Bricks

Warm Basalt - Can be Polished and made into Bricks 


Overworld Food

Apple Pie

Chicken Pie - Uses Salt instead of Sugar

Chicken and Mushroom Pie - Adds Mushroom

Steak Pie - Uses Salt instead of Sugar

Cooked Carrot - Self Explanatory

Baked Apple - Self Explanatory

Fried Egg - Self Explanatory

Omelette Mix - Makes an Omelette when cooked

Cheese - Cook Milk

Omelette - Made from Omelette Mix

Cheese Omelette - Self Explanatory

Cheese and Mushroom Omelette - Self Explanatory

Fries - Self Explanatory

Nachos - Potato and Cheese

Mutton Chop - WIP

Lamb Steak - Cooked Mutton Chop

Mutton Scraps - Chopped Mutton Chop

Cooked Mutton Scraps - Self Explanatory

Cake Slice - Self Explanatory

Sheep Stomach - WIP

Raw Haggis - WIP

Cooked Haggis - Self Explanatory

Bread Pocket - A Wrap

Mushroom Break Pocket - Self Explanatory

Beef Scraps - Chopped Beef

Steak Scraps - Self Explanatory

Steak Bread Pocket - Self Explanatory

Pork Scraps - Chopped Pork Chop

Cooked Pork Scraps - Self Explanatory

Pork Bread Pocket - Self Explanatory

Cactus Fruit - Fruit from a Cactus

Cactus Pad - Can be Cooked

Raw Doughnut - Made from Wheat

Doughnut - Cooked

Chocolate - ITS CHOCOLATE!!!!

Chocolate Doughnut - Not what you think its made from

Chocolate Apple - Not what you think its made from

Sugar Doughnut - Self Explanatory

Bowl of Milk - Self Explanatory

Bowl of Water - Self Explanatory

Carrot Soup - Made with Cooked Carrot

Carrot Seed Soup - Made with Carrot

Pumpkin Slice - Made using Bone Knife

Pumpkin Guts - Made using Nether Steel Hammer

Sugar Cookie - Made with Extra Sugar

Chocolate Cookie - Not made with what you think

Carrot Sticks - Chopped Carrot, you can cook it

Oatmeal - Made with Seeds

Caramel - Made with Sugar

Caramel Apple - Self Explanatory

Sugar Cube - Self Explanatory


Overworld Misc

Salt - Used as a replacement of Sugar

Paper Cup - Used to hold Fries and Nachos

Cotton - Makes Dyeable Cotton Wool

Cocoa Mush - Makes Chocolate covered foods

Seed Mush - Makes Sticky Paste

Sticky Paste - Alternative to Slimes for Pistons

Blue Clay - Makes Blue Brick

Orange Clay - Makes Orange Brick

Mixed Brick - Red, Orange and Blue Brick Mixed

Polished Stone (Added in 1.14)

Stone Panel - Stone Douleslab

Polished Cobblestone - Top Furnace Texture

Cobblestone Panel - Side Furnace Texture



Thank you for reading all of this, I hope you enjoy the mod, there isn't much too it and I apologise for the lack of pictures but hopefully you will enjoy it and thank you for downloading. The mod will be updated with fixes to any bugs and glitches in the next 2 weeks, thank you again.

Minecraft mod files
SOTM 1.3 1.12.2.jar - Survival of the Minecraftist - Improving your Minecraft Experience without altering the aspects of the game Uploaded on: 07/01/2019 - 15:01   File size: 2.54 MB

Good mod, but next time try making your own textures :/
But it's still a good mod