The Death Realm

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The Death Realm

A mod about conquering hell.

What This Mod Includes:

-New Biome (Death Lands)

-Multiple New Blocks (Cursed Stone, Dead Flesh etc)

-New 'Cursed' Armor Set And 'Cursed' Tools Set

-New Boss (The Devil)

-New Dimension (The Death Realm)

Download Link Here:

ONLY Version 1.12.2 Supported!

I hope you enjoy this mod!

Minecraft mod files - Uploaded on: 07/25/2019 - 20:10   File size: 22 bytes

Hmmm... Make the textures better by using novaskin(search on google or baidu or whatever)

and do you want me to help with logos?

wait what is the portal frame made of? apparently for my cheese dimension it didnt work and i think it matters what the frame is made of. The picture says its made of obsidian but i am not sure.