Emeralds Are Useful! MOD (English Version)

Upvotes: 3
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This mod´s update brings a whole lot of items such as shurikens, bows, new mobs, new emeralds, etc. The good thing about this mod is it´s balanced (nothing "breaks" the game) and it has extremly small storage. It´s a good option to include in a mod pack (you have permission) as it adds that utility to the emeralds (which kinds of lack a little bit in Minecraft) and the new challenge to craft and obtain those items and use them in dungeons, at night, etc.


This mod´s recent update brings in new abilities the emeralds have (for example, the Cursed Emerald now makes you have bad potion effects while having it in your inventory) and also some other game objects such as the Destruction Stick (if you right click it, it will explode). New structures will spawn randomly in your world (with emerald wood planks!) to make the mod be more present in your world without having to go to the Emerald Biome. Balanced some of the tools and mobs, Cursed Zombie has a new look and some achievements have been added to help you out a little bit in your journey! 


NOTE: this mod´s translation to Spanish has already started. To find it, you will soon find the Spanish Version at CurseForge (through this link): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/utilidades-para-la-esmeralda-emeralds-are-useful-mod


NOTE: you can still install this mod´s old version but in that old version tools and armor aren´t balanced.


This mod was created thanks to MCreator and this is their link: https://mcreator.net/node/add/modification


How do I install this mod to my Minecraft?

-STEP 1: Install the Forge 1.12.2 - Link: http://files.minecraftforge.net/
-STEP 2: Open the Forge file that you just installed and when you see a tab with 3 buttons, you click on the Install client button and you will have it installed.

-STEP 3: Install this mod in version 1.12.2 (because I suppose that in the future I will update it and make it for more versions)

-STEP 4: Search in your computer (by search methods of your computer) the folder %appdata% and inside it there should be a folder called .minecraft (make a backup if you want but save it out of the original folder   .minecaft    )

 STEP 5: Having installed the forge should have created a folder called mods (in case it is not created, create it yourself and it is called mods, not Mods, nor MODS, only                        mods)

-STEP 6: Put in the mods folder this mod

-STEP 7: Go to your Minecraft Launcher (where Minecraft starts) and a version called Forge 1.12.2 - (and maybe something else, but those numbers will be the                            same) should have been created.

-STEP 8: Run that version and you will see that Minecraft will have a different interface in the "Mojang" logo. Wait until it's over.

-STEP 9: Once finished the processing, in the main menu of Minecraft where Realms button is there should be another new button next to it called Mods. That means that you                          have correctly installed the mod and forge. If you want to click and you will see that 4 "mods" appear (they are the Forge itself, they do not add anything new to Minecraft)                  of the Forge and this mod (Utilidades para la esmeralda).

-STEP 10: If you've done everything so far and you have not had any problems, try a new world. Hasn't "crashed" (Minecraft closes suddenly by an error)? !! Congratulations!! You                     already know how to install mods. Try installing other mods and have fun with Minecraft


(If you want to play the mod in Spanish soon in CurseForge I´ll upload a version in Spanish)


I will be active and I will receive really happily any comment or problem (you have from my mod or the forge), or new idea for my mod or another mod you want me to create. Thanks a lot for reading and (maybe) installing and playing my mod!


A link to the CurseForge upcoming Spanish Version: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/utilidades-para-la-esmeralda-emeralds-are-useful-mod

Minecraft mod files
EmeraldsAreUseful!ModENG.jar Uploaded on: 07/16/2019 - 19:24   File size: 1.11 MB
Emeralds Are Useful! MOD 1.1.0 (ENG).jar Uploaded on: 08/18/2019 - 16:21   File size: 2.19 MB
Emeralds Are Useful! MOD 1.2.0 (ENG)_0.jar Uploaded on: 12/24/2019 - 16:52   File size: 2.25 MB

This mod´s recent update brings in new abilities the emeralds have (for example, the Cursed Emerald now makes you have bad potion effects while having it in your inventory) and also some other game objects such as the Destruction Stick (if you right click it, it will explode). New structures will spawn randomly in your world (with emerald wood planks!) to make the mod be more present in your world without having to go to the Emerald Biome. Balanced some of the tools and mobs, Cursed Zombie has a new look and some achievements have been added to help you out a little bit in your journey! 

Nice mod :)
I hope that, like ultrasquid said, the armor and tools are about as powerful as iron. Maybe you could just add a bit of enchantability to them (more than diamond but less than gold) to make Emerald things great for enchanting :)

Nice mod :)
One thing about emerald mods (and ruby ones too) is that there are so many of them that they are often seen as lacking originality.

Yes, I completely agree with you. The first thing I wanted to do with the mod is do a vanilla style for people who are searching for “normal vanilla” mod styles and now I’m focusing more on mobs, dimensions, biomes, new blocks and all that kind of stuff. This mod was kind of getting me started with the MCreator and also working on another new mod, but I don’t know on what to focus on. Could you maybe give me an idea or something? And I have to really thank you for your amazing upvote and your comments as they are completely positive, true and extremely helpful. Really thank you a lottttt!!!

looks cool! the problem with emeralds is that if you find a village early on, it will be too easy to get emeralds, so you have to make them lower power than diamonds. however if you spawn like 1000000 chunks from a village and no hills biome in sight, it will be too hard to get them, so they have to be at least iron power. thats the problem with emerald tools. otherwise your mod looks cool. nice textures. P.S. please check out my mod, the myst.

I´ve just seen all your mind-blowing mods and your interesting and true point of view, and I realise a master of MCreator is talking to a nooby like me xD. What you say is completely true unfortunately but I hope that it doesn´t affect too negatively in my mod. Thanks for installing it and I´m already cheking yours out!!