Minecraft 1.14.4 support

Issue description

I am requesting an update to Mcreator for Minecraft 1.14.4. And I hope it will be for Mcreator 1.9.2 or 1.9.3. 

I find this is okay to ask now that forge has a recommended version for Minecraft 1.14.4. And the fact that Mcreator uses forge. 

Known issues:

Issue comments

As a stable version of Minecraft Forge is now released, we will start intensively working on 1.14.4 as soon as we release 1.9.1.

Good idea! That means more MCreator features? Block models? Maybe beds?

Progress so far: 

Added 1.14.4 support for mod mod elements: fuel, creative tab, advancement, armor, overlay, command, key binding, food, tool, potion, item, recipe, structure spawn, biome, plant, ranged item, block

Thanks, I did not even notice it :) I see the layout breaks on forums on my author panel, will need to fix this :D

Updating status:

Added 1.14.4 support for mod elements: fuel, creative tab, advancement, armor, overlay, command, key binding, food, tool, potion, item, recipe, structure spawn, biome, plant, ranged item, block, GUI, dimension, living entity, global triggers, procedures, global variables

Please can you add the possibility to make guns. And events were simpler than procedures

Please can you add the possibility to make guns.

The ranged item would do this

And events were simpler than procedures

I can't see how one could make such a flexible system any simpler, check some tutorials.

I have an idea for 1.14 support, if this is possible:

Have the ability to easily add a new villager profession with a certain workstation

I have an idea for 1.14 support, if this is possible:

Have the ability to easily add a new villager profession with a certain workstation

Put these on forums, this ticket is for 1.14.4 support, not for feature requests. And this one is out of scope at the moment.

1.14.4 is more or less complete, only these blockers still exist:

But all but the last one which is being worked on needs to wait for the Forge to actually add support.

Check one comment above yours:

1.14.4 is more or less complete, only these blockers still exist:

Are these issues fixed by Forge? If not, there is your answer.

You can download snapshot and test it, though. We might release a stable version with these features left out if these issues do not get fixed anytime soon.

It seems that the features we are waiting for will not make it in 1.14.4 most likely, so we will consider 1.14.4 support complete at this point. This is what one of the Forge devs wrote:

Considering it's 3-4 days until the release of 1.15, this will most probably be merged straight into the 1.15 branch, and I'll take care of any remaining polish/bugs during the 1.15 testing phase. Whether or not I'll try to also get it into 1.14, depends on if 1.14.4 becomes the next LTS version, or 1.12.2 remains LTS until 1.16

All other features except fluid buckets, dimension music, and obj item models will be supported in 1.14.4 at the moment.