MCreator's Community ModPack

Published by Goldorion on
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MCreator's Community ModPack is a modpack of exploration, and adventure with the best MCreator mods. You are able to explore a lot of new dimensions, biomes, dungeons, find new creatures, and even more !

Into the modpack, you will only have mods created with MCreator except for some mods to have a better Minecraft experience, like Optifine or Journey Map.


You can download it direclty on CurseForge or into the Twitch Launcher.


All current mods in the modpack :

- 101 Dimensions (By supermj767)

- Better Swampland Mod (2.6) (Traitor Art)

- Biota (5.1.1) (By sssssh)

- DerbyCraft (1.1.1) (By Finemanederby)

- Farm Adventure (3.0.2) (By me)

- LOS - Lots of Stuff ( (By Super_cube4)

- Oh The Biomes You'll Go ! (1.7.1) (By AOCAWOL)

- The Crystallia (1.0.9) (By Sporadic Splash)

- The Nightmarish Kingdom (Beta 2.1.0) (By me)

- Wesley's Roguelike Dungeons (0.8.1) (By evenlekkergamen)


Suggested Mods :

- Better FPS (By Guichaguri)

- Journey Map (By techbrew)

- Just Enought Item (By mezz)

- Optifine (By sp614x)


Mods to add on CurseForge :

CosmoCraft (By RockstarBonnet)
Pyromancy (By RaolTheBest)

Minecraft mod files
MCreator's Community 2.1.0 - - MCreator's Community 2.1.0 - Twitch Launcher Uploaded on: 01/05/2020 - 17:07   File size: 9.13 KB


- Update Better Swampland (2.6)

- Update Biota (5.1.1)

- Update LOS (

- Update Biome You'll Go (1.7.1)

- Update Wesley's Roguelike Dungeons (0.8.1)


2.0.0 :

Added Traitor's Better Swamplands Mod

Added 101 Dimensions

Added The Crystallia

Removed Cogweheel Dungeons (1.2.1) (Make crash the game)

Update Farm Adventure (3.0.2)

Update The Nightmarish Kingdom (Beta 2.1.0)


1.2.0 :

Added The Nightmarish Kingdom

Updated LOS || Lots of Stuff  to

Removed Mods :

  • AquaticCraft
  • CosmoCraft
  • Pyromancy
  • TerraCore

Just add your mod on CurseForge, and I will re add them into the modpack. I can't put the modpack on CurseForge (and so on Twitch Launcher) otherwise.


1.1.0 :

Remove Better FPS

Remove Just Enough Item (JEI)

Remove JourneyMap

Remove Optifine


1.0.0 :

First release of the modpack

Cool Mod pack
You can use my gun mod or 101 dimensions in the mod pack if you'd like

IT looks cool, but is there an actual modpack? All i see is the twitch version and i cant find it on the Curse Forge Page

I can only give a Twitch Version because the .zip file is too big (between 40 MB and 60 MB). Otherwise, I put the Curse Forge page in the description. If it’s not working, just try to search the modpack with MCreator’s Community Modpack on Twitch Launcher (Create a new modpack profile).

Unfortunately my mods are unlikely to get into this pack :(
But I try not to be discouraged :)

Cool, it's out :D
Nice logo :)
Anyway, if RaolCraft made the game crash, could you send me a crash log so I can fix it?

I can't code, but it seems like there are some issues with the Summoner. There could probably be another mod that adds another summoner with the same ID.
If this is the issue, I might change its id in the next update