Lotad's Computers

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Lotad's Computers is a mod that adds a computer to Minecraft!

The computer can make files, edit files, execute programs, send chat to all and message other pc's


  • help: shows all commands for terminal
  • info: shows world name and player name
  • echo: prints a message to the output (echo hi > hi)
  • say: sends a message to all players (say hello) *(might delete cuz too op)
  • make: create a file (make fileName)
  • show: shows all files or one file (show > *allFiles) (show fileName > fileNameLineCount)
  • edit: opens a file in edit mode, edit mode explanation down \/ (edit fileName > *opens edit mode)
  • execute: executes files line by line, only files that end on .ex will get executed, execute commands down \/ (execute fileName.ex)
  • file: shows file contents (file fileName > *allContents) (gonna change it cuz you can only see last 6 lines now)
  • redstone: sets redstone output level from 0-15 (redstone 15 > *sets redstone level to 15)
  • name: sets the pc name (name pcName > *sets pc name)
  • message: sends a message to a pc with a specific name (message pcName > *after you press execute you need to input message in input box and press execute)

Edit mode:

In edit mode you can input line by line what you want in the file, everytime you press execute it writes the input to a new line in the file. You can type SHOWLINE to see what line you will write to and you type EXIT to exit edit mode.


Execute commands:

  • echo
  • say
  • redstone
  • wait: pauses the program for N amount of ticks (wait N)


Example program:

redstone 1

wait 20

redstone 0

echo done

(sets redstone output level to 1, then waits 20 ticks and turns it off and then prints "done" to the output)


If anyone has some ideas or tips please comment.
Also if anyone knows how i could implement a delete file system please comment and il tell you about my nbt tags array and other stuff to help.

If you encounter any bugs, please let me know!

Minecraft mod files
lotads_computers-1.0.0-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - version 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 01/03/2025 - 01:49   File size: 198.91 KB

version 1.0.0

  • Computer
  • Computer Core
  • Wireless Module


  • Help
  • Info
  • Redstone
  • Echo
  • Say
  • Name
  • Message
  • Make
  • Edit
  • File
  • Show
  • Execute
  • Wait