Upvotes: 3
Project status
Supported Minecraft versions
MoreModsPlus is a mod created by Toutoukamon for the version of Minecraft 1.12.2.
This mod add a lot of tools, armors, powers sticks, and ,many others things.
Ores :
- Carbon
- Rubis
- Saphir
- Citrin
Tools :
- Coal
- Redstone
- Emerald
- Carbon
- Rubis
- Saphir
- Citrin
Armors : The armors have different effects.
- Coal
- Redstone
- Emerald
- Carbon
- Rubis
- Saphir
- Citrin
Powers Sticks :
- Water Stick
- Lava Stick
- Teleportation Stick
- Speed Stick
- Health Stick
- Regen Stick
- Invisible Stick
- Night Stick
Others :
- Ultimate Bush
- Ultimate Fruit ("ore")
- Structure (Little Quartz Temple)
- Item SnowLight (for have
- Green Apple (with effects)
- Gold Beetroot (with effects)
- Dimensions (Rubia and Saphiria)
- Boss (Rubio in the dimension Rubia)
- Biome (Rubis)
Modification files
Alpha 0.4.1.jar
Uploaded on: 04/07/2018 - 22:31 File size: 458.98 KB
The Alpha version 0.4.1 correcte a lot of bugs, replace textures and change some things.
im sorry but literally all of this has been done before.