This is the money ore for the money mod.
This mod puts MONEY into Minecraft adding, MONEY ORE, and money in general.
This mod allows you to have money in your Minecraft world. It would work great on servers so your friends can make shops and use money in those shops!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. We will try to help you as soon as possible. And if you have any ideas please tell us. We are always trying to make a better experience for you
Coming soon: Money dimension, Wallet, Money tools, Cash registers, Craftable money, New money types, More blocks to get items, bank AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!
THERE IS A SECONDARY DOWNLOAD LINK IF THE FIRST ONE DID NOT WORK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3m94mlk98do2tf2/moneymod.zip/file
ALPHA 0.0.0
Now out to the public!
Beta coming soon. 0.0.1 With:
No more money ore particles, new types of money (1$ 5$ 10$ so on), better textures, harder to find money ores.
Nice mod