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discover several kinds of very incredible dimensions

still in beta for an improved version




color dimension (slightly epileptic dimension)

which contains several kind of color type depending on the biome like hot cold rainbow colors and black and white

go to the creative item tab to have the items allowing you to teleport to the dimension



Food World dimension

very greedy size containing all pleasure confectionery of all tastes

to go to this dimension use a cauldron then right click with sugar then a berry



Giant FeildDimention

Imagine yourself in a giant garden
and watch out for the big beast

go to the creative item tab to have the items allowing you to teleport to the dimension


Minecraft mod files
Antonia 1.16.5 Beta 4.2.jar Uploaded on: 02/26/2022 - 20:43   File size: 12.4 MB
Beta 3.2 Antonia 1.16.5.jar Uploaded on: 02/09/2022 - 17:19   File size: 11.94 MB
Beta 3.1 Antonia 1.16.5.jar Uploaded on: 02/05/2022 - 18:35   File size: 11.91 MB
8.2.jar Uploaded on: 10/16/2020 - 16:08   File size: 16.71 MB

Beta 9

there is too much MB for the file so this version will be on curseforge

but mcreator please improve the level of MB

new big update of the mod important

the biome of the overworld -Autumn

-Cherry Blossom

-Mushroom Forest will be deleted to be added in another mod (not immediately)

the other biome

Rainbow Forest which will be removed and Giant Flower which will be removed to be in a dimension

First Beta 1.16.5


-Rainbow Forest

-Warm colors savana (not finished yet)

-Cool colors forest (not finished yet)

Antonia 1.16.5 Beta 2

-Warm colors and Cool colors biome are disabled because is wip

New Dimention Foodoir

Candy cane biome

Antonia 1.16.5 Beta 3

New dimension


new biome on Foodoir




Hey LicaSkelelecario, I made a showcase which you can see here:

If you like it, make sure to add it to your mod page(s) as it really helps with views :)

This is a really cool mod, but how to make those plants that hang down like in the Cherry Blossom biome?

These are just structures. You can save trees as a structure using structure block & and structure voids, and then make hanging plant blocks be added to that structure by placing in so and so way.
It's pretty easy!

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week :)
Glad to see that this mod's development is progressing well. Can't wait to see all the upcoming features when working on the year's recap :D

Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit ( and Facebook page (

Beautiful biomes and textures, I don't know how hasn't been more yet

That is a LOVELY header!! Amazing work on the header alone! I really enjoy the biomes and the new ore types excite me!! Keep it up!!