The Hinterlands: A World of Ice

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The Hinterlands Mod

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The Mod: The Hinterlands mod is a mod centered around a new dimension called, aptly, The Hinterlands. The Hinterlands is a biome-rich icy world willed with features, such as two new materials and a new humanoid race. Venture here for riches beyond diamond and monsters beyond zombies in the cold but beautiful world. The goal behind this mod is to make a very vanilla-reminiscent mod that fits well into your Minecraft experience.

The Portal: The portal is made from Blue Ice and is lit by a Snowflake, which is found only in abandoned camps scattered around flatter Overworld biomes. There is also a 50% chance that one will be in a Frostborne Settlement, just in case you get stuck

Materials: This mod adds two new ore-based materials as well as two new wood types. The more common ore is Frigus, which is a frosty blue ingot based material similar to iron. Its nowhere near as powerful as diamond, but its a step up from iron. Pruinae is an uncommon purple gem-based ore found deep below ground or guarded by more powerful foes. It's stronger than diamond by a decent amount. Also, you can get Iron and Coal here, just in case. The wood types added by this mod are Frostwood and Gelida. Gelida is pink and Frostwood is frosty blue as well as slippery.

Hinterland Ice: The stone in this dimension is instead a hard, rock-like kind of ice. Its a lot like stone in the sense that it has craftable variants and a cobblestone version.

The Mobs: The main occupants of this land are the Frostborne, a neutral species of humans who became trapped here long ago. They live in lodges and settlements around the world as four professions: Chieftain, Fighter, Archer, and Survivor. Be aware of the Ice Skitterers which spawn at night. Those bugs will attack anything, even their own. On occasion, you will find a tower. In it, the evil Iceborn Mage. Fight him and claim his magical staff.

Other Notable Features: This mod adds two flowers, Pansies and Heather, which as of yet serve no purpose except to look nice. Also, there is a new variant of snow called Yellow Snow, which can be made into snowballs and snowcones and are quite poisonous. There are also Snowcones, which are made with respective snowballs and paper. There is the basic Snowcone, the Yellow Snowcone, and the Berry Snowcone. All of these are edible, though the yellow is poisonous



Minecraft mod files
TheHinterlands[v1].jar - The Hinterlands Version 1 [Latest] Uploaded on: 07/20/2020 - 23:58   File size: 536.81 KB

v1 (July 20. 2020)

Base mod, first release. I'll add a changelog soon

I like the idea of the mod! It's nice, maybe you can do a World of fire mod! Sort of like this one except it's fire! :D

Looks great and promising! Im gonna have to get around to playing through it.