Alex's Adventure

Published by Alex Khang on
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Greetings adventure lovers! Because of my personal life, this project has been abandoned for a few months now and I'm glad to tell you that the Alex's Adventure is about to continue with new assets and better features to optimize your experience!

The old files of the mod were corrupted, resulting in redoing everything. I'll try my best to re-add them while creating new and more exciting features.


Alex's Adventure is a mod made for adventure lovers, you can find a new ore deep in the underground, new building blocks and 3 brand-new biomes! Almost every feature in the mod has a cyan or blue color.

This mod will continuously update so every time a new update comes out you can experience more new things!

You can even download snapshots to experiment with new features, but because its a snapshot it won't stick in the download section forever, so you have to download it fast before it's gone.

New features:

Ores generation:

To protect yourself better, you can find the new Lorius Ore deep in the caverns. Lorius ore is better than iron but is worse than diamond, this ore can only generate below Y 28. You can craft Lorius tools and armor with it likewise the other ores but before that, you'll have to smelt, keep in mind that it only drops when using iron tools or above. You can use Fortune to collect more or use Silk Touch to obtain the block.

Naturally spawn Lorius Ore vein.

If you play Alex's Adventure Indev 1.1 Snapshot 2 and above then you can get access to the new Deepslate Lorius Ore! Like other Deepslate ores, it take much longer to mine, it still works with Silk Touch and Fortune enchantments and you'll still need an iron pickaxe to mine it.

Deepslate Lorius Ore

These are the brand new biomes in the mod, each of them has different blocks and mobs spawning conditions, with different styles and atmosphere. Some specific achievements require you to enter these locations.

Currently there are only 3 of them, those are:

The Norus Plains: (Robot Creeper and Illusioner Exclusive)

Norus Plains

The Norus Forest: (Stalker and Illusioner Exclusive)

Norus Forest

The Norus Desert: (Only Norus Sand can be found here currently)

Norus Desert

Entities (Spawn Condition and Basic Info):

Entities in this mod spawn exclusively to some biomes, for example: Stalkers only spawn in Norus Forest or Robot Creeper stay exclusive to the Norus Plains

But be careful though, some entities could be extremely lethal!

The Stalker

This is the Stalker, well it didn't stalk you like its name, for now...When hurt, it gives itself regeneration II and resistance effect. It has 40 HP/20 Hearts and when burn it gives itself fire resistance making it a challenging opponent.

In Alex's Adventure Indev 1.1 Snapshot 2 and above you can meet its kind, the Bartender Stalker. He spawns exclusively in the Socialize Stalker Base, a quite rare structure that you have to locate. The Bartender Stalker is the same as the Stalker but weaker. Its have 36 HP/18 Hearts and can gives itself regeneration II and resistance effect.

Stalker's Cousin

Entities (Summoning)

You actually can summon the Stalker (Not the Bartender Stalker) for your own if you don't want to look for one. Using 2 Lorius Blocks place on each other + 1 (Carved Pumkin for Classic Version on Soul Jack o'Lantern for Indev 1.0 and above.) Keep in mind that the Stalker still attacks you even if you summon it, this addition is just for fun.

How to summon the Stalker


In Alex's Adventure Indev 1.1 Snapshot 1 and above, the Socialize Stalker Base can spawn naturally in the Norus Plains biome. It has 3 floors in order: The Entrance and the Bar, The VIP Bedrooms and the Great Library. This structure has chest on each floor and its a great source for books and bookshelves. Below is the image outside of the Stalker base, I won't spoil the interior though, check it out by yourself when you download the mod. ;)

The Socialize Stalker Base

Advancements, goals and challenges:

These are the advancements, goals and challenges in the mod, some are already available in the Classic version, and some are new and just been added. You might want to take a first look at it:


Advancement 1Advancement 2Advancement 3

Indev 1.0:

Advancement 4

Indev 1.1 Snapshot 2:

Advancement 5Advancement 6

In Indev 1.1 Snapshot 2 and above the "Norus..." advancement is the root of other advancements. Because it's a root advancement so it will be hidden when not completed, simillar to the End and the Nether advancement. To completed the "Norus..." advancement you have to obtain Raw Lorius. After you completed it, you can see other advancements, and get the "Starter Pack" prize, it's an early game prize, and it is based on your luck if you can get a better start, or worse.

This is my first mod so there could be bugs, if you are willing to report bugs or have request features, just comment in the comment section, i'll try to reply as fast as I can. Feel free to showcase or review my mod if you want to.

Have fun and good luck fighting with the Stalker!

Minecraft mod files
Alex's Adventure Classic.jar - The first version. Classic! Uploaded on: 01/31/2022 - 01:35   File size: 301.26 KB
Alex's Adventure Indev 1.0.jar - This version adds some new blocks and changed some textures. Uploaded on: 01/31/2022 - 03:57   File size: 326.82 KB
Alex's Adventure Indev 1.1 Snapshot 2.jar - This is just a snapshot, not completed yet. Uploaded on: 02/07/2022 - 13:57   File size: 431.36 KB

Scroll down to see the newer changes.

Alex's Adventure Classic:

- This is the first version, no changelog.

Alex's Adventure Indev 1.0

  • Add Norus Stone Bricks, Stairs, Slab and Wall.
  • Add Norus Stone Bricks, Stairs, Slab, and Wall Crafting and Stonecutting Recipe.
  • Add Norus Sandstone Wall.
  • Add Norus Sandstone Wall Crafting and Stonecutting Recipe.
  • Add Big Norus Tree.
  • Add new advancement called: "Deep Into the Woods".
  • The Soul Jack o'Lantern now has particle.
  • Add Chiseled Norus Stone
  • When the Stalker is hurt, it now gives itself resistance I effect for 100 ticks.
  • Norus Planks, Stairs, Slab, Fence, Fence Gate, Pressure Plate, and Button texture has been changed to looks like vanilla planks texture.
  • Norus Sandstone texture has been changed to looks like vanilla Sandstone texture.
  • Lorius Block can now be use as beacon base.
  • Stalker now can spawn in raid.
  • Stalker, Norus Spider, Robot Creeper, and Lorius Ore loot table has been changed.
  • Summon the Stalker now requires a Soul Jack o'Lantern. Using the carved pumpkin as the head won't summon it anymore.
  • The Soul Jack o'Lantern texture now has changed to looks like the Jack o'Lantern vanilla texture.
  • Removed "The Stalker" advancement.
  • Removed the "Easter Egg" creative tab.
  • Removed the Soul Cage.

Alex's Adventure Indev 1.1 Snapshot 1

 -This is a snapshot so it will be removed soon. Download this snapshot will you can. ;)

  • Added Socialize Stalker Base.
  • You can now make Norus Path by right-click the Lonium Block while holding a shovel.
  • If you right-click the Lonium Block with a hoe you now turn it into Norus Stone.

Alex's Adventure Indev 1.1 Snapshot 2

  • Added Bartender Stalker.
  • Added "The Stalker Family" tag.
  • Added Norus Stone Pillar.
  • Added Norus Stone Pillar Crafting and Stonecutting recipe.
  • Added Deepslate Lorius ore.
  • Added Deepslate Lorius ore loot table.
  • Added Norus Stone loot table.
  • Added Norus Lantern loot table.
  • Added a new advancement called: "Norus...".
  • Added Starter Pack prize for Player who completed the "Norus..." advancement.
  • Added a new challenge called "The Lorius Family".
  • Fixed Norus Stone Bricks and Planks that when far away have weird black lines separate them.
  • You can now use Silk Touch enchantment on Norus Stone, Norus Leaves and Lorius Lantern.
  • The "Cover me in Lorius" advancement has been changed to goal instead of task.
  • Lorius armor and tools texture has been changed to looks like vanilla texture.
  • Completed "Deep into the Woods" and "Cover me in Lorius" advancement/goal no longer gives you reward recipe.

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