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Simplicity is a mod all about adding vanilla-like features to Minecraft! There will be new updates and major updates for reaching new goals!

This mod wouldn't exist without MCreator because my coding skills suck! XD



Version 0.1.5 will be the final version of Simplicity. The reason I'm doing this is because I want to start new projects, I've already started another one called Biome Fest, from now on, I will probably make different mods to handle different things. Don't worry, some of the unfinished features like cave crystals are coming over to the new mod: Biome Fest! Not only is this new mod going to be on, but it will also be on CurseForge! Thank you for playing with the Simplicity mod throughout it's amazing Journey! - Sorry for the heart attack! Simplicity is actually NOT ending development! Woohoo! 


ALPHA 0.1.5





- Added Honey Carpets! These are like normal carpets but they are sticky!

- Added Wooden Poles! Comes in every wood variant and even includes the stripped wood variants! I didn't added plank variants since you can basically use fences to accomplish this! You can even strip p

- Added Iron Crates! These have 9 storage slots but can also be locked in later versions which means you won't be able to take items out or put items in unless you unlock it again!

- Added Redstone Spikes! These are spikes that come out of the ground when powered by Redstone! When the spike is in the ground, it will be harmless, but once it comes out of the ground, it will hurt!

- Added 2 new commands! These commands are /explode and /lightning! When you use the /explode command, it will make an explosion where you are standing! When you use the /lightning command, it will summon lightning at your current location!

- Added the Mouse mob! These guys spawn in sunflower plains biomes and are looking to get inside of someone's house to live there! Watch out for them!

- Added Cheese! Cheese is made by putting a milk bucket into a furnace or smoker! From there, the cheese can be put into a crafting table, giving you the cheese and the bucket back! Of course, you can eat cheese plain or out of the bucket!

- Added Mouse Traps! These are used to catch mice! You can bait it using cheese for it to work since it detects a change in pressure!

- Added Dynamite! This is TNT that you can throw! Dynamite has half of the explosion power of TNT!

- Added "Under Construction Tab" which will be renamed to "Experimental" in version 0.1.1! This is a new tab in the creative menu used for unfinished features that still have yet to be finished!

Under Construction:

- Added Cave Crystals! They don't do anything yet and don't generate yet, but soon they will have 5 different states for when you mine them and they will make particles when stepped on!

- Added the Dweller mob! This mob is like the upcoming Warden from the 1.19 Wild Update but it doesn't have custom animations yet and has a basic ai!

- Added Flaming Dynamite! This is like normal dynamite but it will set surrounding blocks on fire when it explodes!

- Added Frozen Dynamite! This is like normal dynamite but it freezes blocks that it explodes by placing ice!



- Added a new biome: Bloodroot Wastelands!

- Added new Bloodroot Wastelands themed blocks, items, mobs, and biomes!

- One of the new blocks is the Bloodroot Bean Block which can be instantly broken and drops a new Bloodroot Bean food and you can shoot a projectile at it to make it fall! It generates growing off of Bloodroot trees!

- Added a new mob: the Rooter! It's found in the Bloodroot Wastelands! It's fast and attacks you! It has somewhat poor eyesight! It even breaks doors down if it needs to!


- Renamed the "Under Construction" tab to "Experimental"!


- Fixed bugs!



- Rooters are now afraid of Creepers!

- Rooters are now summoned by mining Rootanium Ore! They can still be found in caves and at night in the Bloodroot Wastelands!


- Fixed the Bloodroot Twist hitbox!



- Added a new effect: Corruption! The Rooter being summoned by mining Rootanium Ore was temporary, you now get the corruption effect! This effect removes xp and hurts you every second! Watch out for this!

- Added two new music discs that can only be accessed through crafting! One is Calm4 by Notch and the other is called Corruption!

- Added Fletching Table functionality!

- Added energy blocks which are creative blocks used for giving off a redstone signal!

- Added a new way to summon endermen! You just act like you are constructing an iron golem, but with amethyst blocks instead of iron blocks!

- Added new gamerules for the mod! Don't worry, they all have descriptions to explain what they do/control!

- Added a few advancements for the mod!

- Bloodroot Beans no longer break instantly, instead they break at 0.5 speed!

- Upgraded to Minecraft version 1.18.2, it was previously on 1.17.1!


- Fixed Redstone Spikes not activating when placed next to any form of powered redstone that was there before the spike!


v0.1.4: Village and Pillage Upgrade

- Added Bombers! These are a new type of illager! These are robots sent by illagers that explode every villager, player, or iron golem they see!

- Added Glimmerstone! A new rock found around caves!

- Added Glimmerdust! A dust obtained from Glimmerstone!

- Added Sickles! A new powerful weapon and tool!

- Added a Deepslate version of Rootanium Ore!

- Improved the Rooter texture!

- You now only get the corruption effect from mining Rootanium Ore if you're not in creative!

- You can now light entities on fire with Flint and Steel or Fire Charge by right clicking them! Bombers will explode because of the dynamite they are carrying and Creepers will not be able to catch on fire by being right clicked with Flint and Steel or Fire Charge!

- Slightly changed the way Bloodroot Wastelands biomes can generate, now with bigger trees and a nice frosty blue color in the air!


- Added Electric Fences!


- Redstone spikes now actually detect any redstone powered block around it when placed!

- Fixed Rootanium Ore not actually generating!



- Added the ability to ride entities!

- Added Whoopee Cushions! They make fart noises!

- Added Magic Wands! Turns any block you right click with it into everyone's favorite block: Dirt!

- Added Silica Dust and it's block! The item tastes very good!

- Added the Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis status effect!

- Added Slick! A new item that never stays in your inventory!

- Changed some colors in the Bloodroot Wastelands biome!


- Fixed every Minecraft bug!

- Fixed every Simplicity bug!


v0.1.5: The Adventure Update

- Added the recipe back for bundles!

- Added a new Dimension command! You use /dimension [dimension_id], then it should take you to the requested dimension!

- Added more new advancements!

- Added more new game rules!

- Added a new structure: the Piglin Campsite! This is a new structure found in the nether!

- Added the Bone Fish mob! This fish flies around in the nether and is immune to fire, they are also passive!

- Added the Piglin Camper mob! This is a new piglin that is found at the new piglin campsite structure! These piglins drop gold ingots whenever they are hurt!

- Added a new cave biome: Bloodroot Caves! Rootanium Ore is now exclusive to this biome instead of the Bloodroot Wastelands!

- Added a new nether biome: Volcanic Plains!

- Added a new nether biome: Deep Void!

- Rooters now shake when they are not in a Bloodroot Wastelands biome or a Bloodroot Caves biome!

- All Glimmerstone items now have the glowing effect whenever the sky is visible!

- Improved the texture of cheese on Baited Mouse Traps!

- Improved the texture of cheese in general!

- Improved the model of the Baited Mouse Trap! The cheese now looks like the actual item and also uses the same texture!


- Renamed the "Experimental" tab to "Unfinished"!


0.1.6: Caves & Caverns Update

- Added Bloodroot Horns! These are natural plants found exclusively in Bloodroot Caves biomes! They drop a new item!

- Added Stiff Bloodroot Horns! These play a sound inspired by Goat Horns from Minecraft 1.19!

- Villagers can now sell Simplicity items!

- Bloodroot Beans are now more consistent when hit with projectiles, they now fall when hit from any side!

- Bone Fish now drop a random amount of bones! (Range: 1-3)

- Bone Fish spawn egg colors now match the colors of the Bone Fish!

- Reverted the cheese bucket change! It has been added back and you can now craft that to get cheese again!

Minecraft mod files
simplicity-mod-v0.1.0.jar - Version 0.1.0 (First Version) Uploaded on: 02/09/2022 - 18:46   File size: 632.66 KB
simplicity-mod-v0.1.4.jar - Version 0.1.4 Uploaded on: 03/29/2022 - 19:06   File size: 9.41 MB
simplicity-v0.1S2.34.457.8.56756.765r.jar - Version 0.1S2.34.457.8.56756.765r Uploaded on: 04/01/2022 - 20:34   File size: 9.48 MB
simplicity-mod-v0.1.5-FINAL-VERSION.jar - Version 0.1.5 - FINAL VERSION Uploaded on: 04/11/2022 - 16:24   File size: 9.5 MB

Changelog in description!

This Mod is very nice, is it really compatible with 1.18.2?

I‘m going to test it later because I‘m currently still in School...

I‘ve also made a Minecraft: Java Edition forge mod for the Version 1.18.2, do you want to Test it?