The Nexus (Deep Dark Dimension)

Published by Kebab on
Upvotes: 10
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Project status
In development
Academic Free License v3.0
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions

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The Nexus adds a brand new dimension to Minecraft. It is dark and dangerous.

You'll find lots of Sculk related blocks and items here and ruins filled with treasure!

You can enter and escape this dimension through a gateway found deep underground.

Gateways explode on use. You'll have to find another one to go to the dimension again.


Bonus Features

Download Warden & Sculk, by Vicalisito

Upcoming content and planned features (before 1.19)

More ruin structures

Texture redesigns

More Gloomstone blocks (Bricks, pillars, walls, ect)



The Sculk Infection



Can I use this in a modpack? | Yes

Can I redistribute this mod (on another website)? | Yes, but be sure to follow the AFL 3.0 Licence.

Fabric? | Sadly no, due to features that need to be cut.

Mcreator? | Using Mcreator had no impact on the qualty of the mod.

Backport to X version? | No I have a live (sort of)



Evil from the Wastes (Music disc)




Minecraft mod files
The Nexus - Alpha 1.4.0 - for Minecraft 1.18.2.jar - The Nexus - Alpha 1.4.0 - for Minecraft 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 07/02/2022 - 20:09   File size: 2.22 MB
The Nexus - Alpha 1.4.1 - for Minecraft 1.18.2.jar - The Nexus - Alpha 1.4.1 - for Minecraft 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 07/06/2022 - 19:50   File size: 2.2 MB
  • 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 changelog


Added Gloomstone trades to masons


Retextured Overgrown Gloomstone

Retextured Boom Balloon Flowers

Retextured Music Disc "Evi from the Wastes"

Retextured Wardling

Retextured Lustre Wart

Retextured Lustre Wart w/ Berries

Reduced the explosion size of Boom Balloon Flowers


Fixed Deepslate Traps not always creating blue fire

Can you add a new metal named Pulsatium? Armor and tools, power factor 4.4?

AMAZING! Keep updating this!

May i ask this question?: how did you make it so dark in there?

Can you do something like this when mcrator support 1.19 and just add the other warden mobs since 1.19 already has the real warden I would really like the other warden related mobs you made

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Wed, 06/15/2022 - 05:01 Permalink

add a new biome called skulk undergrowth this is like a giant cave system that holds pulsating skulk hearts