Varied Tools Resource Pack

Published by Catnip on
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Have you ever felt like Minecraft's tool texture progression is too boring?

Have you ever wondered why wooden tools look almost exactly like diamond ones?

Have you ever wanted more visual variety as you improve your tools?

If the answer to any of those is yes, then this resource pack might be what you are looking for.

Varied Tools Resource Pack is a project that I have been working on to change the Vanilla Minecraft tool, sword, and armor textures to make them a little more visually distinct from each other. This resource pack redesigns all of the Vanilla Minecraft wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and netherite equipment to give each item its own unique texture and set it apart from other items of the same type. Sometimes the changes are subtle, and other times they are more obvious.

I have tried to preserve the original color palettes while also making each tool recognizable, but different from the other tools of its type. For example, all of the shovels have a similar color palette and head design to Vanilla Minecraft, but as you get higher tiers of shovels, the head design is a little bit larger and more elaborate, and the tool's handle takes on a different appearance. And speaking of tool handles, I also recolored every handle in the game to match a certain wood type. Wooden tools have oak wood handles, stone tools have birch wood handles, iron tools have jungle wood handles, golden tools have cherry wood handles, and diamond tools have mangrove wood handles, in addition, netherite tools have handles based off warped planks.

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Minecraft mod files
Varied Tools for Mincraft 1.21.4 or - This version uses Minecraft's new armor texture formatting. Uploaded on: 01/21/2025 - 15:08   File size: 1.76 MB
Varied Tools for Minecraft 1.21.1 or - This version uses the armor texture formatting of previous Minecraft versions. Uploaded on: 01/21/2025 - 15:08   File size: 1.76 MB