Shadies Traps Mod

Upvotes: 6
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In development
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Welcome To Shadies Traps Version 1.4! This mod aims to add traps that can hurt mobs and players alike and structures with many traps. Hopefully you enjoy this mod! It can be used to defend your base from mobs and players or make custom dungeons. Please leave suggestions for new traps in the comments! Also leave comments of traps that should be deleted or improved upon. Traps added are: Spike Trap, Spike Block, Air Vent, Flame Vent, Chiller, Fog Machine, Mine, Broken Blocks, Turrets, Thunder Trap, Decayer, Hallucinator. Also this is the Nether Brick Update which adds Nether Brick Traps.

Minecraft mod files
Shadies Traps 1.1.jar - Shadies Traps 1.1 Uploaded on: 02/17/2021 - 03:22   File size: 102.02 KB
Shadies Traps 1.2.jar - Chiller, Turret, Fog Machine, Sandstone Recipes. Uploaded on: 02/17/2021 - 15:29   File size: 166.84 KB
Shadies Traps 1.3.jar - Thunder Trap, Decayer, Hallucinator Uploaded on: 03/29/2021 - 13:35   File size: 209.44 KB
ShadiesTrapsMod1.4.jar - Nether Brick Update Uploaded on: 09/07/2021 - 22:38   File size: 289.01 KB

1.3 - Thunder Trap, Decayer, Hallucinator

1.2 - Chiller, Turret, Fog Machine, Sandstone Recipes.

1.1 - Structures with traps and sandstone trap variants

1.0 - Release

If anyone sees this comment, let me know! Would you prefer an update adding new kinds of traps or a prismarine variants of the current traps. I'm personally leaning towards new traps update, but if you guys would prefer prismarine variants I could also do that!