Godzilla + Minecraft! What more could you want?
Curseforge Link
Please report bugs to me.
Finally! A Godzilla Mod for 1.16.5!
Latest mod version is: 5.1.3
The Balance Update!
I greatly changed several things balance wise to try my best to make things more fair and fun!
main changes include global resizes! the big monsters are actually approachable now, and have better hitboxes. the way minecraft works is, there's a hitbox size limit. Their original sizes far exceeded that limit. So I shrunk them all! this also makes confrontations with originally massive monsters more personal now.
If you want to know what's new, please check the changelog for the newest version.
It's come to my attention that some content creators on YouTube are making videos of my mod!
This makes me really excited, I used to watch mob battles when I was little, so this is like a dream come true.
I hate to be a stickler though, it seems some people are using the wrong renders of monsters. For example on some videos I've seen people use RPO Mechagodzilla renders opposed to the only Mechagodzilla in my mod... Showa Mechagodzilla. so I've decided to release renders for all of my mobs for ease of use. :)
I've included renders of the inspiration for each model as well. Except for ones that do not have a direct inspiration, or monsters that i was too lazy to get renders for.
This mod was created in mcreator and adds the following:
The Mobs!:
Godzilla 2000
Showa Mechagodzilla
Mecha Creeper
RED, and some minions.
A new ore and new gear for it!
Space Titanium, meant to be better than diamond, but not as good as netherite, initially anyway.
Later on it can be used to craft the Mechagodzilla set. which can grant all kinds of special abilities.
A rare Biome tied to Red!
2 new utility blocks!
The Othersider can take the item "stubborn soul" and turn it into a bottle o enchanting.
this is for when you have an excess of this.
The Superizer can turn ores into their "super" versions (DOES NOT WORK WITH MODDED MATERIALS)
guns. yeah, guns:
The Glock
A Standard Rifle
The Tommygun
The G-Cell Gun.
Laser Pistol
Laser Rifle
Laser Minigun
This Doc goes into much more detail.
I'd make a proper Wiki but i have a lot on my hands atm.
Feel free to criticize my mod or make suggestions.
Mcreator Link
Nexus link
What I want to add in the future:
Some small more common mobs.
GDF members, some structures related to that.
More Zenith Themed Mobs
Do you like Godzilla?
Check out the other project I'm involved in!
do note that I copied and pasted these changelogs from my Curseforge file pages. also note that, since this is my first ever mod, the formatting gets better as it goes. i'd rather keep the old ones as is, so i can look back sometimes and remember my growth.
- 2.0 Changelog
this mod adds the following
Godzilla 2000
RED, and 2 mobs related to him
"Zenith" Biome, related to red as well 2 blocks come with this biome
Space Titanium ore, and gear.
Mechagodzilla sword and omnitool
Red sword
a bunch of items related to the mobs and gear
The othersider block
5 new guns to mess with
thats it i think lol
- 3.0 Changelog
Added the following:
Mechagodzilla 1
Mecha Crepeer
Hellbird, and a nether variant.
The Laserguns, and some items related to crafting them
Sulfur and Saltpeter ore, that allow for craftable gunpower
a new generated structure, tied to Mechagodzilla 1.
4 new godzilla themed music disks!
new recipes that allow for turning guns back into space titanium (except for the laserguns.)
Loot tables for the new structure, and the ruined home structure.
Mechagodzilla armor, and items related to armor.
Space Titanium Ore that spawns in the nether.
(all new recipes should be in the doc, if not notify me.)
Space Titanium spawn rates.
Some properties of the zenith biome.
- 3.5 Changelog
tweaked properties of all mobs that cause explosions to account for if mob griefing is turned on.
some other small things.
mecha creeper works differently now, he shouldnt cause crashing anymore
- 4.0 Changelog
Fixed Godzilla 2000's arm pivot points
tweaked spawn rates, and drops of some zenith mobs.
fixed a crash related to mechagodzilla
Kumonga now spits silk.
- 4.1 Changelog
Tweaked some Loot Tables, and some properties of Space Titanium.
- 4.2 Changelog
tweaked space titanium spawn rate, changed loot of some mobs.
Space Titanium in general should be harder to get now.
Mechagodzilla Omnitool is now harder to craft, and it can now till grass, into farmland via a right click.
nether variant of space titanium can now be smelted in a blast furnace.
- 4.3 Changelog
Made Space Titanium in the Nether more, rare, and more dangerous...
Buffed Hellbird's health, he was literally a piece of paper.
tweaked the strength of the mechagodzilla omnitool, and i made it a little less op.
I tweaked the mechagodzilla sword, missiles now cost an entire level to shoot.
however you wont be able to shoot missiles unless you have 2 or more levels in total.
tweaked the drops of several zenith mobs.
tweaked some loot tables to make space titanium, and G-Cells more rare.
i made mysterious flesh less op.
- 5.0 Changelog
I may not update the guide anytime soon, I'm sorry. I'm depressed.
here's the changes:
I buffed a lot of the mobs in my mod to coincide with the new gear.
Godzilla 2000 has a new model!!!
The Hellhound has a new model!!!
Showa Mechagodzilla now has his chest laser.
I also added a stronger, secret version of Mechagodzilla.
I also added my least favorite piece of garbage ever... Zilla
yes i added Zilla. i chose the roars that sounded the least like godzilla to make him different.
this is his redemption arc as not an incarnation of godzilla, but as his own character.
The Superizer
I added a new utility block. it can now make super versions of vanilla ingots, and Space Titanium. This wont work with other modded materials, I'm sorry.
Super Iron:
Twice as strong as normal iron, and can be used to make a Super Bucket. This thing can hold 4 of any liquid. it will not work with fish.
Yes you can get 4 drinks of milk out of a single super bucket. The bucket can be a little strange sometimes, I'm sorry, I tried my best to make it as close to a regular bucket as possible, and its mostly there.
Super Gold:
Twice as strong as gold, and yes Piglins will treat it like regular gold, but they wont trade with it or anything like that.
You can make Super Golden Apples and Enchanted Super Golden Apples, and Super Golden Carrots.
You cannot enchant a super golden apple, you need to take an enchanted super apple and make it a super one with super gold. just surround it on the crafting table with super gold.
Super Diamond:
Twice as strong as diamond. nothing else of note.
Super Space Titanium:
Twice as strong as Space Titanium. The Sword will crit twice as often as the normal Space Titanium Sword.
Super Netherite:
Twice as strong as Netherite. Yeah, really. The armor gives you fire resistance when you put the whole set on, and and sword will catch whatever mob you hit with it on fire.
New Content:
Anguirus has been added, alongside the Anguirus Spike, Anguirus Spike On A Stick, and Anguirus Staff.
Added new tamable Mob...... Angus.
Angus Egg
Happy Crafting! I may add Ebirah next.
- 5.1 Changelog
Made hellbirds spawn less commonly
made Mysterium ore and space titanium ore in the nether able to spawn over crimson nylium
made Mysterium gems harder to get, they now require 4 Mysterium Shards and a single diamond to craft
added some more paintings
please report bugs or balance concerns to me
- 5.1.1 Changelog
Balance Changes for survival were in mind with this update.
Global Changes:
Adjusted EXP drops for most mobs, some of them dropped way too much
The "Ruined Home" structure no longer spawns as commonly, and now has a 2nd variant that spawns with only 1 chest, and no NES.
The Superizer is less tedious to use now, you no longer need to convert ingots 1 by 1.
G-Cell Gun no longer spawns lightning.
Ghostmaker is less OP but is harder to get.
Othersider Recipe includes more rare materials now
Tweaked most of the Loot tables to have more reasonable drops
Mecha Creeper no longer always drops Space Titanium Bits.
Rare Flesh Block was made slightly more common in the Zenith Biome
Adjusted damage values for a lot of the super gear.
Is now smaller, for the sake of better hitboxes.
Kumonga no longer passively spawns webs, and when he shoots them he now shoots custom webs that disappear after a couple seconds by themselves. These aren't like normal webs where they are breakable with a sword.
Should spawn less now, but is stronger and has a bigger follow radius.
Killing him was made more of an event.
buffed some... i think?
Changed how he spawns minions again.
Black Mechagodzilla:
Spawns less Lightning.
- 5.1.2 Changelog
General Changes.
- Increased Space Titanium smelt time.
- Organized all Gojicraft assets into different creative tabs.
- Item rarities tweaked to make sense and be accurate.
Mob Changes.
- Resized pretty much every single monster so they can have better hitboxes.
Godzilla -
- Reduced spawnrate.
Kumonga -
- Tweaked defense stat.
- tweaked spawn rate
- audio levels reduced
- Kumonga's Webs are tweaked. left click them to update them, or break them to make them go away if they dont.
Mechagodzilla -
- Tweaked how often the chest laser is used for both versions.
- Tweaked defense stat.
- Removed fire from the shield.
- Screeches less often.
- Laser no longer has lingering particles.
- Spawns Mecha Creepers less.
- Black Mechagodzilla should no longer launch into space.
- Black Mechagodzilla's fire rate was reduced.
Anguirus -
- Reduced audio levels.
- Tweaked defense stat.
Gorosaurus -
- Reduced health.
- Tweaked defense stat.
- Decreased audio levels.
- Size tweaked.
- Interacts with minions in a different way.. again.
- Audio levels decreased
- Minion drops tweaked.
- Removed lingering particles from minions.
Skeleturtle -
- Removed lingering particles
Gun changes -
- G-Cell Gun completely rebalanced.
- Tommy Gun is now the "Thompson"
- The Thompson has ammo specifically for it.
- nerfed Thompson damage.
- Glock has a cooldown now.
New Content -
Added new mob: Nagara -
Nagara created by KoeKoe https://discord.gg/U4HEC57Jyn
35 hp
5 atk
4 def
drops 10 exp.
may drop:
fire charge
mysterium shard
soul diamond
cooked salmon
Spawns in forests and swamps, near rivers and beaches too. plains and savanna biome as well.
May breathe fire.
New models for: Maguma and Todora. they are functionally the same, minus their decreased health and increased defense stats.
- 5.1.3 Changelog
General Changes -
- Ruined Home loot table tweaked
- Ruined Home structures are more rare.
- Space Titanium Pickaxe is less likely to spawn an exp orb.
- Space Titanium Pickaxe has a chance to spawn rainbow particles, and the Super Space Titanium Pickaxe is more likely.
Mob Changes -
Mechagodzilla 1
- Less likely to spam eyebeams, now eyebeam usage scales with amount of health lost.
- The less health he has, the more likely he is to use his other abilities, like the shield, and his chest laser.
- Slightly nerfed defense stat.
- Fixed his rainbow particle, it's actually rainbow now and doesn't display as just red.
- Changed his glow texture, so his orange bits on his body are actually orange.
Black Mechagodzilla
- actually functions.
- Nerfed HP and attack strength, no longer 1 shots you the moment you get into the game.
- Nerfed Movement speed, is no longer a velociraptor.
- Spawns less.
- Remade glow texture.
- Spawns less.
Enslaved Demon
- Fixed hitbox.
- 5.1.4 Changelog
- MG armor no longer allows flight due to a bug i couldnt fix. instead it gives you a jump boost and removes fall damage when wearing a full set.
- Modified the recipe for the Mysterium Reactor to be less expensive.
- make sure mechagodzilla obeys mob griefing.
- tweaked mg screech volume
- made mg's anvils more rare (didnt remove them tho :] )
- Mechagodzilla 1 should obey mob griefing now.
- tweaked mg1's walking speed
- hitbox tweaks for all.
- made black mg slightly bigger.
- shrunk zilla slightly
- tweaked defense stats, again.
sorry, its been a busy month, and i forgot about this mod.
the only real difference between a massive mob and a regular one is the hitboxes and the model.
that is genuinely all i did. they just have a big model. that being said, its probably possible to make a model thats so big that minecraft doesnt like it, lol.
beware of the weird hitboxes, for some reason there's a size limit ..
at some point the hitbox reaches a max size and refuses to get any large, however the bounding box WILL change. what doesn't though is the box responsible for colliding with projectiles, and taking damage. which is really stupid. this is probably why the ender dragon is literally not a single mob, but several mobs working together to make a single boss. That being said, i dont know how to do that.
can RED have explosions causing more frequently? cause wither lost but mutant hoglin won and mutant hoglin is weaker than RED