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This mod adds magic in Minecraft


This mod adds spell categories, with well-defined spells: summon, throw projectile and more.


To make a book of magic (without spells), you will need a book and 4 magic crystals.


Once done, take 4 copies of an object, 4 magic crystals and your book and finally, you have a book with a spell defined by the object.

2) Items and their explanation


Magic Crystal Shard :

This fragment is found by breaking an ore of magic crystals, it is used to make spells and spell books.


Normal Book :

Made from books and magic crystals, this book has no spell, you have to put a spell in it.


2.1) Spells and thier explantation

Magic Projectile (Tier 1) :

Fires a projectile that does 3 points of damage, simple but effective

Protection (Tier 2) :

For 5 seconds, damage is reduced by 1000%

Summon Spirit (Tier 3) :

A spirit appears and will fight for you until it dies

Never put two spirits at the same time, otherwise they will fight!

Explosion (SUPREME SPELL) (Tier 4) :

Fires an ultra-slow projectile that explodes with a power of 10.


3) Mobs and thier explantation

Dark Knight :

This dark knight is actually just the resentment of a spirit of a dead knight who criticized his king. He came back to life, he has a lot of hit points and can kill you with a few hits.

Thunderper :

A creeper that turned yellow from hitting lightning bolts. Like a creeper, but instead of exploding it causes a rain of lightning.

Scorpino :

An adoptable Nether critter that will fight for you until it dies.

















Minecraft mod files
1.0.0_1.jar - First update Uploaded on: 04/24/2023 - 09:03   File size: 140.9 KB