We just jumped into 2020 and we already have our first 2020.1 snapshot ready. This snapshot adds quick modding tools, loot tables, remote workspace, and more. Check it out!
EAP 2020.1.01513 changelog
- Added support for Git (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, ...) shared online workspaces with version history
- Added option to jump (revert to) between checkpoints/commits in the history of online workspace
- Added option to merge changes if multiple users work on the same shared workspace at the same time
- Added quick tools: material pack, armor pack, ore pack, and tool pack makers
- Added "Get numerical dimension ID" procedure block
- Added option to select current mod as tag namespace
- Custom recipes can now select the namespace and therefore override vanilla recipes
- Updated Minecraft Forge for 1.14.4 to version 28.1.111
- Marked Minecraft 1.14.4 generator as LTS and 1.12.2 as a legacy version
- [#46058] Added support for loot tables
- [#55415] Added option to set custom living entity tracking range
- [#53995] Added on structure generated procedure trigger
- [#55870] Added schedule tick update procedure block
- [Bugfix #55543] Melee damage was offset from the set value in-game
- [Bugfix #55531, 1.12.2] Biomes with empty mob spawn list spawned default vanilla mobs
- [Bugfix #55960, 1.12.2] "Get item from armor slot" procedure block crashed multiplayer clients
- [Bugfix #55608, 1.14.4] Big tree option in custom biomes spawned wrong trees
- [Bugfix #55871, 1.14.4] Numpad key bindings caused build errors
- [Bugfix #55567, 1.14.4] Dirt blocks did not generate under grass blocks and underwater in custom biomes
- [Bugfix #55567, 1.14.4] Caves did not generate in custom dimensions
- [Bugfix] "Delete texture" button did not delete animation .mcmeta file it was present
- [Bugfix] Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements
You can find the download of the snapshot on the downloads page in the snapshots section.
Consider donating
MCreator is run by two developers that work on this project in their free time. The time invested in this project is not paid and donations are the only way to get something back (alongside ADs). The more donations we get, the more we can work on the project (in terms of hours invested) as we can dedicate more time to this project without being at loss. We love working on the MCreator project, but we need to pay bills somehow too, and if MCreator will not cover this, some other project that will take a part of our time from MCreator will have to. This was our main reason for considering PRO in the first place, but now that PRO will not be a thing, we have to count on you, the donors :)
If you missed the year 2019 recap video, you can check it out here too :D
Make sure to tell us what you think about the update in the comments, report bugs of the snapshot and stay tuned. Keep on modding!
That's great!
I want to feedback a Bug, click on the button in the specified solt in GUI interface to delete a square or item is invalid, you click on the items in the solt again or squares that would reduce the add back!
In addition,,, hope the official loading, and waited for a long time,,,
And then,,, pack out mod package name is Mcreator,,, I want to use their own package name and file name,,, I change how to do excuse me,,,
"I want to feedback a Bug, click on the button in the specified solt in GUI interface to delete a square or item is invalid, you click on the items in the solt again or squares that would reduce the add back!" I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you screen record this and open a support ticket? Thanks!
It should come in a release or two, but greatly depending on the donation support for the community as giving our work at a permissive license and allowing users to claim it as theirs is a very two-way thing :) We need to work on new license and other legal stuff plus refactoring support for custom package names and such and this will take some time too.
Is it possible to have a custom Chest, (Many Slots) and add an loot table? like, i Have a Strcuture, and inside spwns a Custom Chest named Gold Chest. and in the Chest, i want like 12-44 Torches, 1 Hermes Boots OR Magic Mirror OR Something else, Bombs OR glowsticks etc.
How do I use/add the loot tables to blocks? I created a loot table. How can I assign a loot table to, lets say a chest?
I tried to do it with a command in a procedure but I am to stupid to get it working ^^´. I use 1.12.2 as selected version.
Or maybe you can add a "assign loot table" procedure block? :P
Yes, i understand. Still thank you guys alot! I'll wait for the update if it will be supportable.