MCreator's Community ModPack
MCreator's Community ModPack is a modpack of exploration, and adventure with the best MCreator mods. You are able to explore a lot of new dimensions, biomes, dungeons, find new creatures, and even more !
Into the modpack, you will only have mods created with MCreator except for some mods to have a better Minecraft experience, like Optifine or Journey Map.
You can download it direclty on CurseForge or into the Twitch Launcher.
All current mods in the modpack :
- 101 Dimensions (By supermj767)
- Better Swampland Mod (2.6) (Traitor Art)
- Biota (5.1.1) (By sssssh)
- DerbyCraft (1.1.1) (By Finemanederby)
- Farm Adventure (3.0.2) (By me)
- LOS - Lots of Stuff ( (By Super_cube4)
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go ! (1.7.1) (By AOCAWOL)
- The Crystallia (1.0.9) (By Sporadic Splash)
- The Nightmarish Kingdom (Beta 2.1.0) (By me)
- Wesley's Roguelike Dungeons (0.8.1) (By evenlekkergamen)
Suggested Mods :
- Better FPS (By Guichaguri)
- Journey Map (By techbrew)
- Just Enought Item (By mezz)
- Optifine (By sp614x)
Mods to add on CurseForge :
CosmoCraft (By RockstarBonnet)
Pyromancy (By RaolTheBest)
- Update Better Swampland (2.6)
- Update Biota (5.1.1)
- Update LOS (
- Update Biome You'll Go (1.7.1)
- Update Wesley's Roguelike Dungeons (0.8.1)
2.0.0 :
Added Traitor's Better Swamplands Mod
Added 101 Dimensions
Added The Crystallia
Removed Cogweheel Dungeons (1.2.1) (Make crash the game)
Update Farm Adventure (3.0.2)
Update The Nightmarish Kingdom (Beta 2.1.0)
1.2.0 :
Added The Nightmarish Kingdom
Updated LOS || Lots of Stuff to
Removed Mods :
- AquaticCraft
- CosmoCraft
- Pyromancy
- TerraCore
Just add your mod on CurseForge, and I will re add them into the modpack. I can't put the modpack on CurseForge (and so on Twitch Launcher) otherwise.
1.1.0 :
Remove Better FPS
Remove Just Enough Item (JEI)
Remove JourneyMap
Remove Optifine
1.0.0 :
First release of the modpack
A nice retrospective on all the mods perhaps a second one to it? Lol