Project: Reform "The Ultimate Craft II"

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2 years ago... I stopped the development of "The Ultimate Craft"...

But, in 2020, I decided to merge all of my old mods to make it better, and... it came back as...


Alright, alright lol, you probably remember me as the name of gabrielcordonnier, yes, that's my real name, I had bad grammar back in 2018. If I'm in this brand new account, it's because I lost the password, and from now, I will be in this account.

What was Project: Reform?

Project: Reform Mod was a sequel of an old mod I made in an old account named "The Ultimate Craft" back in 2018, and since I lost motivation and got a lot of bugs into it, I decided to make that mod, that's why.


What was Project Reform Mod based on?

Project: Reform was following the same base as The Ultimate Craft, RPG-Based and Adventure-Based. Also, it's all my old mods (excluding InfectCraft) merged.


Anyways, let's get started!



First of all, the ores.

  • Mantenium Ore (Including his block, and his gem)

It's a purple ore, which is rare to find, just mine :p 

  • Ethonite Ore/Block/Gem (Original: Mega RPG)

Green ore, not that hard to find.

  • Bluestone Ore/Stuff (Original: Power Ore from The Ultimate Craft)

A blue ore that you can find in the Mecha Dimension!

  • Phazon Ore

Similar to the Magma block, but blue. Gives Crystal Gems when mining it.


  • Darkness Log/Planks/Stairs/Slab/Leaves, you can find all of that in the Darkness Biome.
  • Endizium Ingot/Block/Bricks. Endizium is only obtainable by finding a village in the Ender.
  • Crystallium Block. A crystal block, used in the Stonelands Dimension :p
  • Underground Stone Bricks.


Dark Wooden Kit: A lil' stronger than regular wood.

Mantenium Kit & Armor: Stronger than Diamond.

Ethonite Kit & Armor: Faster tools, but weaker armor.

Bluestone Kit & Armor: Really strong (The sword has 35 Attack Damage)

Ender Sword: 26-28 Attack damage, dropped by the new Ender Boss.

Killbot Sword: 37 Attack damage, dropped by the boss of the Mecha Dimension.

Ender Confusor Staff: Dropped by the Ender Confusor. (Mini Boss)

Robotank Laser: Dropped by a Boss in the Mecha Dimension.

Phazon Staff: Dropped by a Stronger Wither.

Zyllager Hammer: 24-26 Attack Damage, dropped by the Zyllager.


NOTE: This also includes Biomes.

Mecha Dimension:

The Dimension of the robots, you can find Bluestone ore here. There are 2 Biomes: The Mechanical Biome, and the Matrixlands Biome.


Stonelands Dimension:

This is the Crystal Stonelands Biome, here you can find Crystal Spikes, Crystal Mushrooms, Crystoshrooms (Crystal variant of Moshroom), and more!

There's also another one, the Zyschroom Biome, this one is still in progress, and more features will come soon.


A really peaceful biome... (I don't think so)



Dark Biome (Original: The Ultimate Craft)





Overworld Structures:


-Ender Chibi House

-Robotic Shelter: The only way you can access the Mecha Dimension.

-Stonial Shelter: The only way you can access the stonelands, the portal frame is the stone block, if the stone of the portal is replaced by something else, then too bad for you :^)


New structures for the Ender...

-Ender Village

-Endium Dungeon

-Ender Mage Tower

-Ender Chibi House

-Ender God's Palace


Structures of the Stonelands Dimension:




There's not only that, there are even more structures.


Overworld Mobs:

  • Ogre (Original: Mega RPG)
  • Living Head (Original: InfectCraft)
  • Possessed Soul
  • Shadow (Original: Mutant/Advanced Dark Steve from The Ultimate Craft)

Nether Mobs:

  • Whir (A mini version of Wither, 50HP)

The End Mobs:

  • Ender Beast (A Stronger Enderman, 75HP)
  • Ender Chibi (Passive Mob, rideable and can be found in Ender Villages, and Ender Chibi Houses, 15HP)
  • Ender Mage (45HP, Spawns in Ender Mage Towers)
  • Ender Confusor (Mini Boss, 130HP, drop Ender Confusor Staff)
  • Ender God (Boss, stronger than the Ender Dragon, 350HP)

Mecha Dimension Mobs:

  • Robot-A (Weakest Robot, 18HP)
  • Robot-B (Laser Robot, 24HP)
  • Robot-C (Big Robot, 50HP)
  • Robot Beast (Neutral, 85HP)
  • Robots Mother (90HP)
  • MinionBot (8HP)
  • Killbot (The king of the robots&bots, 400HP)
  • Probot (20HP, the Robot's predator)
  • Including the pet version of Probot
  • Robophobe Pet (Stronger Probot)

Stonelands Mobs:

Crystal Stonelands:

  • Crystoshroom (Crystal Variant of Mooshroom)
  • Crysteyon (50HP)
  • Crystal Bear (40HP)
  • Crystalized Human (20HP)
  • Crystal Bull (Boss, 250HP)


  • Stone Crawler (28HP)
  • Cave Mite (34HP)
  • Blackstone Spider (40HP)
  • Stone Golem (27HP)
  • Caveygron (1st and Hardest Boss of this biome, 510HP)
  • Zyllager (Harder Illager, spawns in Zyllages, 200HP)

W.I.P. Mobs

  • Phazon Wither (A stronger wither, drops the Phazon Staff, 400HP)


Alright, the description is finished.

If you want to ask more questions about this mod or help, join the discord server below!



Anyways, stay tuned for more updates!

I hope you'll enjoy it!


P.S. of 12/22/2022

I know... It's been two years.

After reviewing this mod, I actually realized how badly the mod was built; the models and textures were looking bland and terrible. The dimensions trees were indeed looking terrible as they were depending on the original vanilla scheme, and some of the structures were screwed up...

I have a project about remaking the original The Ultimate Craft mod, but I must first prepare and organize what I should do first, and eventually hire a team to help me. I might take ideas from this mod too, but again, organization. 

Thank you for understanding.

Minecraft mod files
Project Reform [build-05232020 For Testing Purposes Only!!].jar - First Private Test Release (Now for public, V0.9) Uploaded on: 06/17/2020 - 18:04   File size: 311.83 KB
Project Reform (1.0 b-06162020).jar - Version 1.0 Uploaded on: 06/17/2020 - 18:06   File size: 1.4 MB


The Ultimate Craft (Original) Version 0.1 (01/20/18).

The first version of the original mod.

Blocks, Mobs, and more stuff got added.

The Ultimate Craft (Original) Version 0.5: First Major Update (03/07/2018).

  • Lava Monster was now stronger and now has 250 HP.
  • Ultimate Knight became a MiniBoss.
  • Removed Moon Dimension. The Moon Block/Brick is now for Creative Mode.
  • Ultimaton And Herobrine Spawner are now available.
  • Added Staffs, Swords, and Weapons.
  • Added 1 Boss and MiniBoss.
  • Added 3 New Types of Spiders.
  • Added Dark Biome (Dark Trees, Dark Rock, Dark Mobs).
  • Added More Stuff !!

Project: Reform (New one) Version 1.0: The Revival (06/16/2020).

Welcome back, The Ultimate Craft.

  • Improved End, by adding more mobs, structures, and a new boss.
  • Dark Biome got added again in this new mod, but W.I.P.
  • Blocks from the original mod (such as Phazon Rock, Dark Wood, etc...) got added in the new mod.
  • 2 Dimensions were added, and one of them is still in progress.
  • More of blocks, ores, weapons, and items were added.
  • A bunch of Mobs&Bosses was added.

Stay tuned for more updates.