MCreator 2021.2 pre-release is here! This is the first time in history we had 4 snapshots before the full release so this update will be packed with new features. Read on!
Snapshot changelog
Major new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this snapshot are highlighted with bold text.
- Added fluid tick rate parameter
- Added potion effect tick condition
- Set and get player variable procedure blocks now support specifying the entity dependency
- Added fire immunity parameter to custom armor mod element
- Improved display of biome and entity lists with human-readable names
- Added new plant parameters: suspicious stew effect and duration, generation patch size
- Added new enchantment parameters: can appear in villager trades and can be used in loot tables
- Brewing recipes now support potions as output and/or inputs
- Added new fluid properties: tint type, flow strength, flowing condition, before replacing block procedure trigger
- Added new block base: button
- [Bugfix] Importing and display of some mod language translations did not work properly
- [Bugfix] Fluids did not tick properly
- [Bugfix] Custom dimensions did not show up in the dimension selectors
- [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements
Make sure to test the snapshot out so the release will be a stable one. Leave a comment with your feedback on the update below. Stay tuned and keep on modding!
It's probably first time Goldorion answered ironically. Just search a bit - latest snapshots, Fabric plug-in topic, several forum topics on 1.17. People ask, get an answer, and sometimes people ask for exactly the same thing just below Goldorion answering. I think it can be frustrating, especially as I'm visiting these only from time to time and I feel fed up - now imagine how can feel someone who is moderator and is legimately answering. And sometimes there are even sentences like "Pylo is lazy bc he doesn't give us everything we want" - it's rare, but add these puzzles together. It's better to do your own research first, and if you do not find any answers, then you should ask.
(btw look at page 1 here, and see how you got an answer regarding 1.17 already :P)
2021.3 will be on 1.17, since making 2021.2 supporting it would mean a lot of bugs and much work on generator only. If you are not aware of that, but 1.17 changed pretty heavily technical side of Mc, requiring Java 16.
As Toma400 said, everyone asks us this exact same question, even if they have their answer 2 centimetres above. Every time a new Minecraft version is released, every time we always got hundreds of comments, topics, issues and questions everywhere asking us when will we support this new Minecraft version. Nobody searches and nobody tries to get an answer. One person asking the question is ok, but multiply this question by hundreds of users and you have the frequency we see this question. I didn't want to be bad with you. I simply wanted to tell you to search before asking something.
I had a question on my mind about MCreator.. I know that you'll one day take a big break, and pause development due to private life changes. Though let's imagine you had indefinite time to develop, my question is: At what point would you personally be satisfied with MCreator's progress before pausing development without hesitation or second thoughts?
I don't feel that I'm wording this as well as I could, so here's an example: Imagine you've developed MCreator to the point where users can edit and duplicate every feature within Minecraft. When you get to this point, would you be satisfied and take a long break on the project? Or simply keep optimizing and upgrading?
You are welcome! ;)