Towers Of Doom (5TOD2)

Published by Brich036 on
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I AM BACK! 2 long years since I've been awhile, Its good to be back! Okay, 5 Towers Of Doom as been remade from the ground up to Form Towers Of Doom (aka 5TOD2). I decided to start from the beginning  to be more polished on the items within the game but don't worry more will be coming. if your an OG of this mod you would notice alot as been removed but don't worry they'll be coming back soon. Also Mcreator has changed SO MUCH and i was able to do new things along with things I've been wanting to do with this mod for awhile! Towers Of Doom Doesn't add alot as of right now but all will be changed soon.


Towers Of Doom is a RPG Mod that evolves Exploring and Conquering Towers. It Contains only 38 items but theirs more to come! 


Check The Change Log to see what contains in the mod and keep up to date!


Like the mod, Help me out by throwing your ideas in the comment 

Minecraft mod files
Towers Of Doom.jar - Towers Of Doom V1.0.0 Uploaded on: 10/08/2018 - 02:14   File size: 657.84 KB


(Black) Steel Ore

Hot Metal Ore

Red Shadow Diamond Ore

Devil Shadow Ore

(Black) Steel Ingot

Hot metal Ingot

Red Shadow Diamond

Devil Shadow Ingot

(Black) Steel Block

Hot Metal Block

Red Shadow (Diamond) Block

Devil Shadow Block

(Black) Steel Sword

Hot metal Sword

Red Shadow Sword

Devil Shadow Sword

Along with pickaxes but no other tools (seem kind of pointless to add the other tools)

Armor for all Metals

(Infinity) Healing Pearl

Earth Orb (Pointless but will play out as the mod goes on)

Tower Defenders

Tower Guardians

Tower Golem


Tiny Towers

Small Towers

Medium Towers

Large Towers


More To come

for backpack and luggage problems there is a mod called backpack-2.0.1-1.8.x for everything backpacks

Hello, I can help with your Art if you need help. I'm Down to do a few things for ya. Message back if you'd like my help.
Here's a Redo of your black weapon. (don't remember the name, sorry.)

@#14 I would love your help and I really love the design so i'll be adding it in the next update and when ever you make an art send it to my @mail at the top up there in the mod description and yeah I caught your drift I had fixed it lol

for custom sounds update mcreator to work on mc 1.8
however, transferring your workspaces between mcreators that is a different mc version is pretty difficult. I have both mcreator for mc 1.7.10 and mcreator for mc 1.8 both on my computer so I can choose what version I want.