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(this mod is currently halted in progress due to IRL issues and situations, thank you for enjoying the mod as of now!)

kirby and his pals are there and square to jump into their newest adventure to enter the world of minecraft!

follow kirby and his friends around the blocky landscapes and go on adventures of your choosing! befriend kirby and watch him be his usual hungry self by sucking up mobs and gaining their powers to use against anyone in his way! not just kirby is there to tag along though, with the right items you can befriend any character you like! who will you meet on your journey? what kind of secret will you be able to uncover? and is there really a way to get to popstar? why not find out!

this mod is aimed to be a love letter to the kirby series and a gift for my wonderful girlfriend. together with the geckolib plugin, this mod is made with bouncy and series accurate (for the most part) animations for each and all characters included and their respective characteristics, together with their respective abilities, gameplay features, and functions (as far as they are possible). i am aiming to make this mod as high of a quality as possible and include as much stuff as i can, but keep it as easy to understand as minecraft it self, so that everybody can have fun with it no matter what. this page will be updated frequently, so make sure to tune in every once in a while! :-)

for more information refer to the changelogs below or visit the official discord server
(PS: best way to see everything is using creative mode, due to none of the modded elements appearing in survival just yet)

TIP: if you've set up everything right and the mod wont start, check if you have other mods in your folder together with KirbCraft, sometimes wires might get crossed with certain mods and will make the game crash or not even start, simply remove the other mods from the folder and play the KirbCraft mod separately if issues consist. 

Minecraft mod files
kirby_mod_test_build_1.8.jar - currently most up to date build, check changelogs for the list of contents Uploaded on: 04/15/2023 - 19:16   File size: 1.74 MB
kirby_mod_test_build_1.7.jar - added a few mobs, blocks and items Uploaded on: 03/31/2023 - 07:36   File size: 1.23 MB
kirby_mod_test_build_1.6.jar - added a few mobs, blocks and items Uploaded on: 03/30/2023 - 10:24   File size: 1.13 MB
kirby_mod_test_build_1.5.jar - oldest publicly available build, only has kirby, waddledee and waddledoo + items/blocks Uploaded on: 03/29/2023 - 07:21   File size: 495.45 KB
  • Test Build 1.8 - general contents as of now


    kirby entity 
    sword kirby entity 
    waddledee entity 
    bandanadee entity
    waddledoo entity 
    sir kibble entity
    bronto burd entity
    kabu entity
    wheelie entity
    cappy entity
    poppy bros. jr. entity
    chilly entity
    shotzo entity
    breakable X-block 
    bottomless pit trap
    treasure chest
    popstar grass block
    popstar ground block
    popstar path block
    yellow popstar flower
    star door decoration
    frozen waddledee block
    palm tree top
    palm tree log
    explosive coconut
    strawberry seeds
    strawberry plant 
    invincibility candy
    sword-powerup star
    sword cap
    bomb cap
    kirby mask
    sword weapon
    bomb weapon
    boomerang weapon
  • current features in Test Build 1.8

    all enities are fully animated (half of them unused for now, will be used later in development)

    kirby is able to be dyed any color and plays unique dyeing animation
    kirby can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    kirby is able to swallow zombified piglins to gain the sword powerup (currently disfunctional)

    waddledoo is able to be dyed any color and plays unique dyeing animation
    waddledoo can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    waddledoo attacks when angered/will attack what the player hits with his beam attack

    waddledee is able to be dyed any color and plays unique dyeing animation
    waddledee can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    waddledee can be transformed into bandanadee by giving him blue carpet

    sword kirby will target any monster mob and attempt to kill it
    sword kirby will revert back to regular kirby after losing all HP and drop a sword-powerup star

    sir kibble is able to be dyed any color and plays unique dyeing animation
    sir kibble can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    sir kibble attacks when angered/will attack what the player hits with his boomerangs (still unfinished so its just arrows)

    bronto burd is able to be dyed any color and plays unique dyeing animation
    bronto burd can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    bronto burd attacks when angered/will attack what the player hits with his swoop attack
    bronto burd will immediately start taking damage if getting in contact with water

    kabu is able to be dyed any color and plays unique dyeing animation
    kabu can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation

    wheelie can be driven around like a vehicle

    cappy can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation

    shotzo can be tamed with iron bars and plays a unique eating animation
    shotzo attacks when angered/will attack what the player hits with their bullet
    shotzo is indestructable and can only be removed/killed by commands or pushing them into a bottemless pit trap

    poppy bros. jr. can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    poppy bros. jr. attacks when angered/will attack what the player hits with his bombs

    chilly  can be tamed with strawberries and plays a unique eating animation
    chilly  attacks when angered/will attack what the player hits with his frosty winds

    breakable star blocks
    decorative bomb block (FOR THE TIME BEING)
    breakable X-block which breaks after a bit and displays a crumble texture when stepped on
    palm tree log
    palm tree top
    explosive coconut (explodes when shot with projectiles)
    treasure chests that work like normal chest but have less storage space and play unique animations
    bottomless pit traps that act as an obstacle, when stepped on it will kill anything instantly with fall damage (will be used in structures and to make your own little levels)
    frozen waddledee block (will be used as intended when i figure out the ice mechanics)
    popstar grass
    popstar ground
    popstar path
    yellow popstar flower
    star door decorations have a minor glow to them

    strawberries heal the player barely and fill the hunger bar barely
    bananas heal the player barely and fill the hunger bar barely
    grapes heal the player barely and fill the hunger bar barely
    candy heal the player barely and fill the hunger bar barely
    metamato heals the player completely and fill the hunger bar completely
    invincibility candy gives potion effects (FOR NOW)

    the sword cap can be worn and looks just like kirbys when he has the "sword" ability
    the bomb cap can be worn and looks just like kirbys when he has the "bomb" ability
    the kirby mask looks just like kirbys face and grants the wearer indefinite feather falling and star particles

    the sword is still a large WIP and is planned to have unique moves/animations when using the right mouse button and in mid air
    the bomb lets you throw bombs which act as minor explosive, they do not grief blocks
    the boomerang  is still a large WIP and is planned to have unique moves/animations when using the right mouse button and in mid air
  • currently worked on/planned features for next test build

    glunk entity
    blipper entity
    mr.sandbag entity
    spear weapon

    dyeable poppy bros. jr.
    dyeable chilly
    dyeable shotzo
    dyeable cappy
    dyeable wheelie

    features previously missing from some mobs
    overall improvements on mobs, items and blocks

    more items
    more blocks
    more features


OMG ! Hello, i am currently working on a mod : Edge of Realities, and i wanted to ask you : Can I use some models (i mean maybe one or two) in my mod ?? The purpose of the mod is to add items and mobs from movies, games and series.

Obviously i'll credit you and i can make a hidden easter egg in the mod about you if you want like a hidden texture or a weapon ?

can i get a working discord link? this ones expired and i would like to chat with u about something pikmin related...

join the official discord server to see sneak peeks, updates and have direct contact to the dev (me)

When I launch my Minecraft with version 1.8 of this mod, my minecraft crashes saying that your mod has loaded incorrectly

Can you fix that ?

Add Kirby's bumps, I'll give you an example:

Zero (600 hit points)
Dark Matter (350 hit points)
Dark Swordsman (175 hit points)
King Dedede (100 life points)
Masked King Dedede (400 life points)
Hyness (300 hit points)
Void Termina: Phase 1 and 3 (1000 hit points)
Void Termina: Phase 2 and 4 (800 hit points)