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The new World Updates will take a little longer to Develop.
Thank you for Understanding.
This is Runic. A Mod that adds a custom Enchantement System with Books in 7 rareties, a Sacrifice Altar and a Rune Altar.
The mod Adds 21 new Enchantements to spice up your PVP and Survival.
We were recently made aware of a Bug which allows for multiple curses of one type to be on a weapon due to an issue with the Enchantement-failing function. We are currently working on a Fix.
Curseforge Website
Modrinth Page
The Blackstone Studio Discord where we maybe launch pre releases and Early Access versions so consider joining to never miss a Update again
Link: https://discord.gg/2VFTRN5w
Rune Books
Rune Books are the modded Versions of Enchanted Books. They come in 7 Rareties (from most common to most rare): Common, Uncommon, Curse, Rare, Nether, Legendary, Ender. The Books have 5 Durability, from which most will lose one for each use of the Book (Higher Level Enchants can also instantly destroy your Book)
Common: Dodge, Extra Durable
Uncommon : Lightfoot, Owleyes, Immense Grace
Curse: Enderscurse, Curse of Fragility, Exhausting
Rare: Doublestrike, Coldedge, Antidamage, Lumberjack, Adrenalin Rush, Blighbane, Thunderstrike
Nether: Lavawalker, Flamecaller
Legendary: Rustededge, Jack o´ Lantern, Berserker, Lifestream
Ender: Obsidianforged, Shulkers Feet
Post Ideas for new runes on our Discord
Sacrifice Altar
The Sacrifice Altar is one of the two Blocks in this Mod. This Block allows you to Create Runes from Empty Rune Books. You can also use a Sacrifice Orb to Higher your Chances for Better Runes and lower your chances of getting Curses. To Sacrifice you need a Empy Rune Book, something to Sacrifice (tagged in #sacrificeableflesh) and (optional) A Sacrifice Orb (No need for XP).
Rune Altar
This Block allows you to add Runes to the Accepted Items. All Runes exept Obsidian Forged have a nearly 100% Chance of applying, but somethimes you get Curses. Applying Runes also costs no XP.
Sacrifice Orb
The Sacrifice Orb highers your chances of getting Better Runes when Sacrificing. It also lowers your chance of getting Curses.
We hope you have fun with this small enchanting Mod.
Please also Consider UPVOTING the mod.
Tags for Custom Mod Support (all namespaces are forge)
Item Tags
Entity Tags
Can i Repost this mod ?
No. Reposting is not Allowed.
Can i use this Mod in A Modpack?
Yea, This mod can be played alone but it can also be played with Other Mods since it adds Custom Tool support Via Tags.
V 1.0
Added The Rune Altar And the Sacrifice Altar
Added the 7 Book Rareties
Added 12 new Runes
Added the Sacrifice Orb
V 1.1
Added Berserker, Curse of Fragility, Adrenalin Rush and Lumberjack
Added Rune Sentinels
Added Treestamps and Runic Ruins
Added Suspicious Stone Bricks
V 1.2
Added Flamecaller, Blightbane, Exhausting, Shulkers Feet, Immense Grace, Thunderstrike and Lifestream runes
Added the Nether King
Added 6 Advancements
Added a Questline for getting the Thunderstrike Book
V 1.3
Changed the GUI of the Rune- and Sacrificing Altar to make it easier to understand how they work
The Bug got Fixed in 1.3