This plugin allows you to render objects on the sky and world
Event triggers
World Renderer can render objects using event triggers and procedures.
- "Compute FOV"
- "Compute camera angles"
- "Compute fog color"
- "Compute light color"
- "Render clouds"
- "Render fog"
- "Render overlays"
- "Render shapes"
- "Render sky"
- "Render weather"
- "Render world"
- "Set weather particles and sounds"
- "Set up dimensions"
How to use
Changes in V1.8.4
In v1.8.4, the vanilla sky, clouds, and weather are automatically removed on the event triggers. If you need to retain them, return false.
Added support for MCreator 2024.3
Added support for NeoForge 1.21.1
Stopped support for MCreator 2023.4
Some fixes and improvements
Fixed some bugs
You need to set a render target in order to render overlays
Changed the rendering system for shape overlays
Added the procedure "Set sky light color"
Added the procedure "Set block light color"
Removed the procedure "Multiply sky light color"
Removed the procedure "Multiply block light color"
Removed the procedure "Set light pixel"
Some fixes and improvements
Fixed some bugs
This plugin supports Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6 / 1.21.1
This plugin supports MCreator 2024.x
Source code repository:
World Renderer -
Custom Sky Plugin -
i made that on my holo-block - you set a disk on the slot it display entities above it, like a hologram helicopter (just an entity with translucent texture and set on smaller scale) :) hope it helps - you can just convert the item to entity on blockbench and do that too i supose, if you need extra help let me know u can contact me on discord too
its not a problem on your plugin tbh (the memory 'leak' and the cloud thing), the only thing you prb should know is that your Render Clouds procedures are pretty much without function atm because the vanilla clouds are being generated plus your clouds, so you got 2 sets of clouds, could you tell me just this;
Does your dimensions (when u generate) on your workspace there, they come with clouds by default?
and what happens when you render your clouds with your procedures? this is all i need to know at this point
just reporting about the memory leak; i found several people with the same problem and i think biome weirdness and continentalness affect it, because i change those values and its now not leaking anymore, also its not a very good idea to set gravity on blocks (like sand) on new dimension generations, i changed that too to be sure.
Hey there, I just wanted to say that this plugin is awasome! really! and wanted to ask I you are planing on making A procedure block that lets you render Items? like when you put an Item in a Blocks Slot it renders it above It. Just wandering not demanding anything.