The Solar System Or So We Think ABV. TSSOSWT

Published by Astro0M@tt on
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A Mod that involves some space stuffs and random stuffs, This mod adds 4 dimensions:

The Moon, The Earth, Mars and the Asteroid belt.

The moon is regular styled dimension with some resources.

The Earth needs a Major update, don't really go there.

Mars has 3 resources, Hematite, Olivine, and Iron, Hematite is used for a ring that makes you faster, olivine is for armor, and Iron is Iron,

The Asteroids have special structures everywhere, with some resources too.

I just hope you really enjoy this mod!!

Special Features, I added gravity and plan to add oxygen.

Portals, For Most of the Planets (Venus,Earth,Moon,Mars) is Obsidian. For Jupiter and Uranus it is Warpstone Block for Miranda, Oberon  it's Olivine for Ganymede its Unium

For The Interstellar Planets Its Warp Blocks


Minecraft mod files
TSOSWT0.21.jar - For 1.19.4 Uploaded on: 06/13/2023 - 11:36   File size: 857.75 KB
TSOSWT0.3.jar - With all of the new stuff! Uploaded on: 06/18/2023 - 21:51   File size: 1.79 MB
TSOSWT0.31.jar - fixed some stuff and added stuff just a mini update ig Uploaded on: 06/21/2023 - 10:54   File size: 2.31 MB

0.1 = Published Mod. and fixed some stuff.

0.2 = added asteroids, "dark cobble", gravity and a book which currently has no recipe.

0.21 added more asteroid structures and moons which their only purpose is for mining

0.3 oh no i'm gonna go insane writing all of that, so I wont.

0.31 fixed reactor and stuff


Check out It's a new mod

Running outta ideas bois (please reccomend ideas) also making a new mod which is more creative rather than realistic

ANNOUNCEMENT: Changing the generator to 1.16.5 because it allows for a custom sky, and yk that would be good instead of just a black sky everywhere

planning on a full release after the completion of "Extra Solar" which isn't just gargantua and stuff
and ores, also Trailing off, I'm making a mod called "Cookie's Decoration Blocks" it's not gonna be uploaded for a while or maybe not at all.

Hey! you can get rid of lava & bedrock by using End generation for your dimension(s)!

I may add rockets, instead of the portals, Idk retains longevity

working on it now, adding a book too for some info about the mod like how so many mods have