Ghost mod

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If you want to live an experience like as "blood magic". You found THE MOD !


Ghost mod is a mod with: ghost, demon, blood monster, SATAN and angel. We can add two dimensions at Minecraft. This mod add more block for build pintcale and spawn the BOSS !!!


With the angel body, you can fly in survival gamemode. And with the demonic suit, you have the powerful power of evil. If you destroyed SATAN, you obtain the faux of the dead; short durability, but power of the DEAD !!!



  1. Ghost block: a block make with soul of ghost, can make demonic portal

  2. Blood altar: a stone container for your blood, 15 sacrifice to make blood fluid then click with empty bucket

  3. Blood rock: a rock with build blood

  4. Blood block: a block make with blood

  5. Blood ritual block: a special blood block, click on with blood fluid (not blood bucket) for activated

  6. Ghost spawner: a mob spawner, but if the brightness is equal to 0, then ghast ghost spawn on the top

  7. Demonic block: a purple demonic block

  8. Satan block: a block for spawn SATAN, click on with blood fluid (not blood bucket)

  9. Candle: a candle make light, you can make candlestick if the under block is air and the top block is solid

  10. Angel block: a block with the good power, can make angel portal


  1. Soul: the original item

  2. Chaos shard: this item is drop by ghost, looting don't have effect

  3. Chaos gem: a gem with the chaos power

  4. Demonic bullet: a bullet for the demonic gun

  5. Angel shard: this item is drop by all mob, looting don't have effect


  1. Ghast ghost: he spawn in the nether and in the demonic dimension, he drop soul and chaos shard, he shot fireball

  2. Creeper ghost: he spawn in the nether and in the demonic dimension, he drop soul and chaos shard, he explode

  3. Zombie ghost: he spawn in the nether and in the demonic dimension, he drop soul and chaos shard

  4. Villager ghost: he spawn in the nether and in the demonic dimension, he drop soul and chaos shard

  5. Silverfish ghost: he spawn in the nether and in the demonic dimension, he drop soul and chaos shard

  6. Spider ghost: he spawn in the nether and in the demonic dimension, he drop soul and chaos shard, he can climbing wall

  7. Demon: he spawn in the demonic dimension, he is powerful

  8. Blood monster: a monster make with blood and blood silverfish

  9. Blood silverfish: a little evil monster

  10. SATAN: a final boss of the world (under Satan block is demonic block in the ritual)

  11. Angel: a creature of good, but he transform to demon when he die

Armor and tools:

  1. Demonic suit: a powerful suit

  2. Demonic sword: powerful sword

  3. Demonic axe: powerful axe

  4. Demonic pickaxe: powerful pickaxe

  5. Demonic shovel: powerful shovel

  6. Demonic hoe: powerful hoe

  7. Demonic sickle: powerful hoe and sword

  8. Demonic saw: powerful saw, if you click on log, you receive planks

  9. Demonic gun: powerful gun, but it is expensive

  10. Faux of the dead: powerful tools, the faux of the dead is the "sword" of SATAN

  11. Sickle: hoe and sword

  12. Angel body: you can fly in survival gamemode if he don't have damage


  1.  Demonic flower: a flower if you step on, you receive damage


  1. Demonic: a dark dimension when you can find all ghost and demon

  2. Angel: you can find angel, but you can't find angel island to -1000;-1000 at 1000;1000


  1. Blood: a mystic fluid to add slowness and to make blood block


  1. /structure ... : for place structure of mod (cheat command)

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Minecraft mod files
Ghost mod.jar Uploaded on: 02/25/2019 - 21:14   File size: 727.17 KB

In next update:

  • SAW
  • You can find utility to the blood book
  • Stop bugs
  • Help for craft in game ?
  • ZEUS ?
  • SOUL TNT ?
  • SOUL ORE ?
  • New ghost ?
  • Idea of ​​the community ?

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