[FFF]Food, Fat, and Flour

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Update News:

I'm sorry, but this mod is discontinued because it's bugged and bad and I deleted the workspace:(  

But the Good news is that I'm going to remake it! So wait for it!(lol)

Thanks so much for the 6 downloads! I am currently experimenting with GUI and it will be finished pretty soon. This Mod is in stable release stage now! I added some new foods this time. Also, I figured out how to make custom growable plants thanks to a forum page answered by this modder called RaolTheBest(RaolCraft omega is awesome!) and I added a new plant called cabbage. I will also make a better mod description. 

Mod introduction: I love Minecraft(second favorite game!) just as it is, but sometimes I feel that there just isn’t enough content for me to play around with, and eventually it will make me bored. Then I learned that there is this EXTREMELY AWESOME MOD CREATOR CALLED MCREATOR. And I started to make mods. My goal is to let my fellow players free from boredom, by making vanilla newer and better. That's why I made my first mod (link:https://mcreator.net/modification/50523/ruby-extension-mod) Ruby Extension(with only 7 downloads>*==*<). So today while I was working on that mod, I suddenly became very hungry(yeah, for no apparent reason lol) And then this brilliant idea hit me. Why shouldn’t I make a vanilla style mod about food and post it on this website? So here I am. This mod is all about food. I added tons of new food, but without trying to make them un-vanilla style. I hope you guys enjoy it! I will keep updating new foods, and improving the old ones. I AM A BIG NOOB but please don’t call me that. Also, there might be spelling mistakes in the game, but it won't affect gameplay(actually because my English is terrible)

Important Note:

•when you play this mod some foods are op enough for potions to be useless. So it makes the game sort of unbalanced. Play with your own caution.

•For the recipes pls use NEI or JEI. You are welcome to give me update suggestions and bugs. (I will update when I get 5 downloads)


this website: https://icons8.com/icons for some of my textures(because I still didn’t quite figure out how to make my own that isn’t in the mcreator templates.)

Amymymy for suggestions for future updates.

RaolTheBest for answering that forum

Mod Elements(I know it isn't much but I will keep working on it): 

•flour(needed to make most stuff)

•pork pie

•cooked pork pie(gives you regeneration)


•grease(dropped when meat related foods in this mod are eaten)

•greasily coal(smelt 2 times the items compared to normal coal)

•grease ingot(which has no use. I will add something in the future updates)

•potato sticks(raw fries)

•fries (gives you slowness I but resistance III )

•salt ore

•salt(needed to make most stuff)

•hamburger(gives you saturation and haste)

•Apple Juice(just good ole' apple juice)

•Enchanted Apple Juice(super op, instantly heals you to 20 health and 20 hunger but it is crafted using 3 golden apples)

•Beef Stew(gives you regen 5 for 10 secs)

•Coke/Sprite(gives you a good potion effect and a bad one)

•Boiled/Salted/Normal Lettuce(Normal and Salted are NOT EDIBLE! THIS IS NOT A BUG! )

•Lettuce Seeds(Chance of getting it by destroying grass)


Minecraft mod files
FFF_v0.9.0.jar - Build 0.9.0 Uploaded on: 06/25/2019 - 12:24   File size: 85.82 KB
FFFv1.0.1.jar - Build 1.0.1(bugged) Uploaded on: 07/04/2019 - 11:18   File size: 164.25 KB
FFFv1.0.2.jar - Build 1.0.2(Stable[I think]) Uploaded on: 07/06/2019 - 01:37   File size: 160.29 KB

--Offical releases--

v1.0.2(NO BUGS!)

•fixed crop not dropping seeds bug; 

•added mod picture.

•altered the potion effects of some foods a bit.

v1.0.1(I tested for bugs or typos but there still might be them)

•fixed some spelling errors

•fixed crop not growing bug

v1.0.0(not released due to important bug!)

Apple Juice(just good ole' apple juice)

•Enchanted Apple Juice(super op, instantly heals you to 20 health and 20 hunger but it is crafted using 3 golden apples)

•Beef Stew(gives you regen 5 for 10 secs)

•Coke/Sprite(gives you a good potion effect and a bad one)

•Boiled/Salted/Normal Lettuce(Normal and Salted are NOT EDIBLE! THIS IS NOT A BUG! )

•Lettuce Seeds(Chance of getting it by destroying grass)

•New crop: Lettuce. It only has 2 growth stages.


--test release--



•pork pie)

•cooked pork pie(gives you regeneration)



•greasily coal(smelt 2 times the items compared to normal coal)

•grease ingot(which has no use. I will add something in the future updates)

•potato sticks

•fries (gives you slowness I but resistance III )

•salt ore


•hamburger(gives you saturation and haste)