Tickinq's Blocks

Published by Tickinq on
Upvotes: 5
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In development
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Has 2 Sections of General Purpose Blocks & Blocks intended for Naval Use. These Blocks are entirely cosmetic(unless otherwise stated), and is only really intended for creative thus there is no crafting recipe(if for some reason survival is in high demand for it let me know and I'll make it happen). Comes with my Resource Pack which is a modified version of a 32 bit default style Resource Pack.(Don't remember who made it and there's no file in the original resource pack so if anyone knows pm me.)
Currently Featuring:

Blocks for ships

-"Armored" Viewing Ports

-Gun Barrels for warships of Caliber 3 cm, 7.6 cm, 9 cm, & 10-45 cm(size increments of 5 cm)

-External Torpedo Tubes

-Railings and Deck plates and Grates

-Decoration Aircraft Catapult and Arresting Wires, Large Pumps, and Radar sets.

General Purpose Blocks:

-Road markers

-Small Ceiling and Wall lights



-Naval Watertight doors, and interior walls(made to make realistic compartment heights inside the ships)

-Gun Breeches and more Gun Calibers,

-Fire Hose reels, Life Rings, and Ammunition containers

-Hull Colors

-Road Signs and Sidewalks

Minecraft mod files
Tickinqs Blocks.jar - V.0.1 Uploaded on: 09/08/2019 - 13:18   File size: 346.2 KB
Tickinq's 32.zip - Texture Pack Uploaded on: 09/08/2019 - 13:19   File size: 13.77 MB
v 2.jar - V.0.2 Alpha Uploaded on: 12/26/2020 - 16:47   File size: 541.84 KB

Nice mod :)
A little more detail in the description would be nice though (what blocks does it add).