Eternal Bliss

Published by Drako204 on
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Upvotes: 1
Project status
In development
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions

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Eternal Bliss is a small rpg/fantasy styled mod that adds some fun new features to Minecraft. It adds 309 new mod elements, including a dimension with new biomes, new types of wood, features, advancements, tools, and more. This mod is currently in a pre-alpha build and so is not meant to be played in a standard survival world as many elements are currently missing. Feel free to leave feedback and provide suggestions on what should be fixed/added. Happy modding!

Update pre-alpha 4 sees the addition of the new ore, weapons, tools, and items.

Modification files
Eternal Bliss Pre-Alpha 4.jar - Eternal Bliss Pre-Alpha 4Uploaded on: 12/13/2023 - 18:30   File size: 654.13 KB
Eternal Bliss Pre-Alpha 3.jar - Eternal Bliss Pre-Alpha 3Uploaded on: 12/08/2023 - 15:24   File size: 524.03 KB
Eternal Bliss Pre-Alpha 2.jar - Eternal Bliss Pre-Alpha 2Uploaded on: 12/08/2023 - 13:38   File size: 479.85 KB

Pre-Alpha 1:

  • added land of evlon dimension
  • added advancement for entering land of evlon
  • added precesson meadow biome to land of evlon dimension
  • added advancement for entering precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added precesson block
  • added precesson mushroom structure to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added creative tab for mod
  • added preceson logs and wood
  • added precesson planks, stairs, slab, fence, fence gate, door, trapdoor, button, and pressure plate
  • added all mod elements to appropriate minecraft tags
  • added precesson leaves
  • added ouku fruit block
  • added ouko fruit
  • added precesson tree structure to spawn in precesson meadow and variants biome
  • added precesson log advancement
  • added precesson planks advancement
  • added lineyar weed plant to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added scorie weed plant to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added hyphie plant to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added everen sprout to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added buko bush to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added buko berry to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added tall hylie plant to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added orco plant to precesson meadow and variants biomes
  • added amber ore
  • added amber cluster structure to all biomes
  • added amber gem
  • added amber sword
  • added amber pickaxe
  • added amber shovel
  • added amber axe
  • added amber hoe
  • added amber block, stairs, slab, and wall
  • added cut amber block, stairs, slab, and wall
  • added amber bricks, stairs, slab, and wall
  • added esker leaves
  • added esker bush and variants structure to precesson meadow and variants biome
  • added orso jungle biome
  • added orso jungle biome
  • added orso log and wood
  • added orso planks, stairs, slab, fence, fence gate, door, trapdoor, button, and pressure plate
  • added orso leaves
  • added mosaic melon block
  • added mosaic melon block feature to orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added mosaic melon food
  • added 2 orso tree structures that spawn in the orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added barken bush plant to orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added tall barken bush plant to orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added shogo plant to orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added fleeker plant to orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added olovon plant to orso jungle and variants biomes
  • added dye recipes for all plants
  • added orco roots item
  • added orco soup food
  • added precesson hills biome variant
  • added orso jungle edge biome variant
  • added orso jungle bamboo forest variant
  • added borko forest biome
  • added borko log and wood
  • added borko planks, stairs, slab, fence, fence gate, door, trapdoor, button, and pressure plate
  • added borko leaves
  • added borko tree structure to borko forest biome
  • added borko bush structures to borko forest biome
  • added spring bush plant to borko forest biome
  • added eco moss plant to borko forst biome
  • added okophon plant to borko forest biome
  • added lilia blossom plant to borko forest biome

Pre-Alpha 2:

  • added sicklow shore biome to land of evlon dimension
  • added tall sea flang plant to sicklow shore biome
  • added sea flang plant to sicklow shore biome
  • added barble bush plant to sicklow shore biome
  • added sea shorns plant to sicklow shore biome
  • added barbella bush plant to sicklow shore biome
  • added blue mushroom structure to sicklow shore biome

Bug Fixes:

  • changed orso wood texture
  • mod biomes no longer spawn in the overworld
  • removed orso jungle bamboo forest
  • player can now respawn in new dimension
  • vines now grow from orso jungle trees
  • reduced spawn rates of blue mushroom structure in sicklow shore biome

Pre-Alpha 3:

  • added arcane peaks biome to land of evlon dimension
  • added arcane tree structure to arcane peaks biome
  • added blink bush plant to arcane peaks biome
  • added tall blink bush plant to arcan peaks biome
  • added blink berry food
  • added collofer plant to arcane peaks biome
  • added flowering sulcant plant to arcane peaks biome
  • added lilacophon plant to arcane peaks biome
  • taiga villages spawn in arcane peaks biome

Pre-Alpha 4:

  • added antlerite ore
  • added antlerite block
  • added antlerite ingot
  • added antlerite nugget
  • added antlerite sword and tools
  • added antlerite armor
  • added spinel ore
  • added spinel block
  • added spinel gem
  • added spinel sword and tools
  • added spinel armor
  • added diamond bolted chiseled quartz
  • land of evlon portal frame changed to diamond bolted chiseled quartz
  • changed land of evlon portal texture
  • changed land of evlon key texture
  • added carrolite ore
  • added carrolite block
  • added carrolite gem
  • added carrolite sword and tools
  • added carrolite armor
  • added orso jungle and jungle edge advancement
  • added precesson hills advancement
  • added borko forest advancement
  • added sicklow shore advancement
  • added arcane peaks advancement
  • added lush overgrowth biome
  • added lush overgrowth advancement
  • added antlerite ore advancement
  • added antlerite pickaxe advancement
  • added diamond bolted chiseled quartz block advancement

Thanks, it's meant to be a redo of multiple mods I created previously after learning some new things with MCreator. Thanks for the feedback. There's much to be added.