
Published by Buildercgr on
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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Supported Minecraft versions

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Aviable on Modrinth and Mcreator.

If you want mobile phones and computers in Minecraft you can enjoy them with this mod. The mod is only a beta version and this is not the only thing. Let's review the essential features: The elements of the mod are mobile phones and computers with a lot of options. I hope you enjoy this mod a lot. Don't get confused with other mods.You can download it for forge 1.20.1 and neoforge 1.21.1. 

Mobile´s and PC´s features:

  • The menu:
  • This is the first thing than you see clicking on the right. You can choose this options but don´t worry, I´m going to add more things.

The fuctions:

Settings: you only can change the gamemode here, I going to add more things.

First aid: This option can save your minecraft´s life, click it wen you´r on danger and it gives you a enderperl and a totem to save your life.

Wiki: Thi is the best fuction of the mod i think couse this ads a wiki aviable on English and Spanis (My language) Mayby I going to do a mod adding more languages for the wiki.

Shop: You have there a transportable shop too in witch you can buy items. If you like an economic improvement this is your mod too.

Enderchest: you can keep your valious items here, is like a bag, look:


You can customize the mobiles with cases and wallpapers too.

Tut mode

The ingots in the cases recipes are plastic and the green thing is the chip, a mineral than you need to craft all it.Chip

Thanks and enjoy this mod.

Created by BuilderCGR .

If you dont understand something you have a tut mod for you.

Tut mod


You have a survey of Digitech here: 



Use license for Digitech: 

- Permission to create derivative modifications: Users are allowed to modify and create derivative versions of this mod as long as credit is given to the original creator and it is not done for commercial purposes. - Distribution restriction: This mod, and any derived modification, cannot be redistributed on any other website or platform without the explicit permission of the creator. - Personal use only: The mod can be downloaded and used on a personal and non-commercial basis. - Other rights: Any other rights not specified in this license are reserved for the creator.

Minecraft mod files
digitech-1.0.5-neoforge-1.21.1_0.jar Uploaded on: 01/05/2025 - 14:33   File size: 3.52 MB
digitech-1.0.5-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 01/05/2025 - 14:37   File size: 3.45 MB
digitech-1.0.7-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 01/26/2025 - 12:25   File size: 3.51 MB
digitech-1.0.7-neoforge-1.21.1.jar Uploaded on: 01/26/2025 - 12:25   File size: 3.58 MB

I corrected some bugs and imroved the accesibility of Digitech with an animation in the buttons. I added a new Buildercgr wallpaper too.


I have fixed some bugs but I don't know if there are more. If there are any, please report them on the forum.

Digitech is now three months old with 213 downloads totaly. Thank you for your support.

What would you like to add to Digitech??? I have these proposals: -Photo cameras -Mobile Wiki -Travel compass -Colored PCs. Please reply in the comments.

Please, let me know in the Digitech's forum if your like this mod and the fuctions that you like to add, maybe I going to add that in the future.

Yesterday, I published the mod on Modrinth, and I need your Support to make more popular the mod in this web

I am delighted to present to you the most important performance of my mod: the computer update.
I created computers in Minecraft and I did better the gui's.

I have already released the forge version, which for the moment will only be for 1.20.1

Get ready! Because MobileCraft will be updated to 1.21.1, the latest version of Neoforge and Minecraft.

I had to start the project again, but I'll probably finish redoing it in a week or two, don't worry, mobilecraft will continue to develop.

I have paused the project since the mcreator was not working, if I can't fix it I will cancel it