Rainbow Tools Mod! A new stone in your mcpc!

Published by DanilkaD on
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Minecraft Rainbow Tools Mod! It mod adds a new ore! With It, you can craft tools and armor! Forget Now About Diamonds! Use the Rainbow Tools! The Remade items and more!

The mod will be deleted in 15th of March

Minecraft mod files
Rainbow Tools 1.2.1 [1.12.2].jar - [1.12.2] Rainbow Tools 1.2.1 Uploaded on: 09/13/2018 - 15:13   File size: 246.75 KB
Rainbow Tools 1.3.0 [1.12.2].jar - [1.12.2] Rainbow Tools 1.3.0 Uploaded on: 10/02/2018 - 11:28   File size: 268.89 KB


Added the bow.


Added Achievement

Supports 4 languages! RUS ROM ENG and ITA!


Added the Rainbow Rock Generator

Dark_Phyk, thank you for telling this problem.
Try to downgrade to the first version of mod.
If this doesn't work, maybe you should check your RAM space (recommended 4 GB)
If you have 3 GB or smaller space, please run your Minecraft to Version 1.12.2 FORGEOPTIFINE
I hope it would help you!

Dark_Phyk, thank you for telling this problem.
Try to downgrade to the first version of mod.
If this doesn't work, maybe you should check your RAM space (recommended 4 GB)
If you have 3 GB or smaller space, please run your Minecraft to Version 1.12.2 FORGEOPTIFINE
I hope it would help you!

Dear Dark_Phyk
Thanks for commenting this modification
Try downloading older version or free you ram (min 2GB)
If this didn't work, try downloading Minecraft 1.12.2 Forge-Optifine
I think this will help you