More Minerals Mod

Published by Stellarius on
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NOTE: I would like to have a tester for this mod, add me at Taisaku#1855 on disc if youre interested




Have you always wanted more ores and minerals in Minecraft, but you dont want the classic stuff like Silver, Copper and Ruby? Then this mod is the right thing for you. It adds several new ores and minerals to the game, many are more obscure ones. Minerals can either be found underground, or they can be crafted by combining the right elements in the crafting table.



Current List of Ores:


Minecraft mod files
Minerals_2.jar - 1.0.3 Uploaded on: 10/02/2019 - 19:24   File size: 175.3 KB
Minerals_3.jar - 1.0.4 Uploaded on: 12/24/2019 - 10:21   File size: 406.5 KB
Minerals_4.jar - 1.1 for 1.12.2 Uploaded on: 08/25/2020 - 18:48   File size: 443.78 KB
Minerals_5.jar - 1.1 for 1.15.2 Uploaded on: 08/25/2020 - 19:59   File size: 430.23 KB

Version 1.1:

-Added Hexaoxane and Disilicon Atoms for more compact storage

-Added ECD Recipe for Apples

-Added Potassium Atom

-Added Orthoclase Ore, Sword and Gem

-Added a Recipe for the Orthoclase Gem (1 Hexaoxane, 2 Oxygen, 2 Silicon, 1 Disilicon and one Potassium)





Version 1.0.4:


-Added First Night Cupcake to help new players/modded Minecraft players in their first night, grants Regeneration and Strength for 15 Seconds

-Updated the Diamond Splinter Texture

-Added Iron, Sodium, Calcium and Sulfur Atoms

-Added ECP Recipe for Dirt

-Added Iron Shard, craftable with 9 Iron Atoms





Version 1.0.3:



-Added Virgilite Hoe, Axe and Shovel

-Updated the ECD texture

-Fixed the Virgilite Pickaxe Texture

-The ECD now emits a bit of Light when placed


Version 1.0.2:


-Added Virgilite Sword (Enchantability 15, 6.5 Damage, Number of uses 975) and Virgilite Pickaxe (Harvest Level of Iron, Efficiency better then Iron but worse then Diamond, Enchantability of 28, Number of uses 1000)

-Updated the Virgilite Texture

-Added Diamond Shards that can be made from Carbon Atoms, those can be crafted into Diamonds


Version 1.0.1:


-Added ECD Recipes for Glass, Glass Panes and Glass Bottles

-Added Virgilite Ore and Gem

-Added Carbon and Silicon Atoms

-Added a crafting Recipe for Water Bottles (8 Water Molecules + 1 Glass Bottle)


Version 1.0.0:


-Added Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

-If you right-click on it with a Water Bottle in your Hands, you will get an Oxygen Atom and 2 Hydrogen Atoms

-Those 2 can be crafted into a Water Molecule

-You can also get the Atoms back by right-clicking on the ECD with a Water Molecule in hand

I decided to return to this mod after almost a year of inactivity.

Note: If anyone would like to make Textures for the mod, add me on discord: epic#1855

It's look great, but can you add some details in your description please (and some other screnshots will be nice !) ?