Applied Alchemy

Published by Draconius on
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Welcome to the world of Applied Alchemy!

This is a little mod about some basic alchemy, such as turning iron into gold, gold into diamonds, ect. It is relatively new and still in progress, so suggestions are welcome. This mod has not been tested in multiplayer, so it is unknown if it works or not. JEI is strongly suggested, as only machine recipes are currently listed here. In the future, I may put some of the recipes here, but until then just download JEI. Just know when starting this mod, you will need a lot of Fickle Fluid, so get crafting!

Recipes (for the latest version): 

Essencing Station Recipes:

For all but below, recipe is dust + Particle Bottle in the required spot

Diamond Essence - One diamonds

Essence Of Torch - Torch + gold dust

Glowing Obsidian - Obsidian + Essence Of Torch

Essence Of Division - Diamond + crafting table

Alchemy Table Recipe:

2 unstable metal & copper essence = 2 copper ingots

3 gold & copper essence = 3 copper ingots

2 unstable metal & tin essence = 2 tin ingots

2 iron & tin essence = 2 tin ingots

2 unstable metal & bronze essence = 2 bronze ingots

1 copper ingot + 1 tin ingot & bronze essence = 2 bronze

3 unstable metal & iron essence = 3 iron ingots

3 iron ingots & gold essence = 3 gold ingots

3 copper ingots & gold essence = 2 gold ingots

2 gold ingots + 1 unstable metal & diamond essence = 3 diamonds

2 cobblestone & torch essence = 1 glowstone

2 cobblestone + lava bucket & torch essence = 1 magma block

Recipes using the Essence Of Division are not listed here, but try it on some vanilla blocks that use multiple of the same item to craft it.

I hope this mod is enjoyed!

Note: Some block models were going to have custom models, but a problem occurred and were not released with them. I may later add them, once the problem is solved.

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Minecraft mod files
Applied_Alchemy 1.0.0.jar - Original mod, a newer version is suggested - 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 02/04/2020 - 00:54   File size: 291.72 KB
AppliedAlchemy1.0.4 v2.jar - Added bedrockium and many other small changes - 1.0.4 v2 Uploaded on: 03/01/2020 - 20:06   File size: 699.7 KB

1.0.0 - All items and blocks work, except compatibility and compatible metal dust creation

1.0.1 - Compatibility was attempted to be fixed*

1.0.2 - [UNTESTED] Some recipe changes and texture changes. Dusts should no longer be compatible with other mods, hopefully fixing the compatibility problem. Alchemical Bedrockium added, w/ armor and tools (not invincible, but very powerful). A few other small changes...

1.0.3 v2 - [SEMI-TESTED] The same thing as 1.0.2, but version 2 with a few bug fixes and fixed bedrockium Oredictionary name

1.0.4 - Added texture changes, and fixed some recipes

1.04 v2 - [UNTESTED] Some recipe changes, such as making Fickle Fluid much easier to make

*Bugs found: Metals and dusts from other mods replace the ones from this mod, which is a mistake. This makes the Alchemy table ineffective for compatible metals.

I was thinking of adding a nether-related part of this mod. Should I?