The Dermernt Mod

Published by DementaBoy on
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I have made a remake because I accidentally removed the files for this one:

The Dermernt mod is a mod based around my original characters. It includes: Dermernt, mpeg, exe, Suicide Mouse Dement, Squidward's Suicide Dement, and BEN DROWNED Dement, with the only dimensions being the Dermerntion and Non-Canonia.

I would give you crafting recipes, but I don't really know how to put files in the description without it being invisible.

Also, if there are any non-canon characters that you have or can think of, just put it in the comments (with a picture, preferably) and I could make a skin of said character and put it as a hostile/passive mob in Non-Canonia, and I will give credit in the mod description. No promises on said character making it in, though.

If you download this, I hope you'll have fun with it. Suggestions are appreciated. :)



+Added exe, CideMouse, SquidwardCide, and BenDrowned clones

+Added Non-Canon Fallabilin

+Added amulets for exe and mpeg

+Added Exe's Cage

*Fixed some things but I can't remember what

Minecraft mod files
the-dermernt-mod-0.0.4.jar - 0.0.4 Uploaded on: 06/22/2017 - 14:13   File size: 327.25 KB
the-dermernt-mod_0.0.5.jar - 0.0.5 Uploaded on: 06/27/2017 - 17:06   File size: 751.01 KB