SkyCreator MOD

Published by Dreeperte on
Upvotes: 33
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IMPORTANT : no need to download a map, when you create a world, a void world with the island will be automatically create

for more information please check my video about my mod :

please download JEI to discover all the crafts.

--Quick guide---

This mod is like skyfactory, to start you will need to create sapling tool to harvest saplings from leaves.

With saplings you can create dust that you can put inside a composter to create dirt.

The next thing you will need to craft is a sieve to obtain pebble and thanks to that you are going to be able to craft cobblestone.

If you want to aquire minerals you will need to craft a gravel sieve.

After that you can start creating energy, automated system and many other thing !


-Gravel sieve : right click with gravel to obtain ore !

-Sieve:  place one dirt above it to create pebble

-Crucible: place on torch under the crucible and put one cobble inside the crucible to make lava !

-Composter : put one  dust to obtain dirt ore one sapling to obtain water

-TechBlock: put one redstone and one iron inside to craft electronic circuit (use energy)

-AutoHammer : automatically make gravel when you place cobblestone above it (use energy)

-AutoSieve : automatically makes ore when you put gravel above it (use energy)

-BlockPlacer : can place cobblestone and gravel (use energy)

-BlockBreaker : can break any block in front of it  (use energy)

-Cobblestone generator : makes cobblestone

-Macerator : can duplicate gold, iron and copper (use energy)

-BlastFurnace : by putting one iron, one block of coal, one copper block you can make steel (use energy)

-BlastFurnacePart : you need to place 2 blast furnace part to be able to use the blast furnace

-NetherGenerator : generate (randomly) neterrrack/quartz/glowstone/soulsand (use a lot of energy)

-Dragonite generator : generate dragonite when you place four dragonite stabilizer around. (use a lot of energy)

-Spirit block : generate spirit for the dragonite reactor

-Copper miner : creates copper when placed under refined cobblestone (use energy)

-Tech lab : allow you to discover new technology (use energy)

-Tree breaker : break nearby tree (use energy)

-----Generator / energy buffer------

-manual generator

-Solar panel

-High solar panel

-Advance solar panel

-wind generator

-Advanced wind generator

-dragonite reactor   ---> /!\ can explode if there is not enough spirit

-lava generator 

-Wood buffer

-Iron buffer

-Copper buffer

-Steel buffer

-Dragonite buffer

------Armor / weapons ------

-Lapis armor

-Steel armor

-Steel pickaxe

-Dragonite armor

-Dragonite sword

-Dragonite pickaxe

-Stone hammer

-Iron hammer

-Sapling tool


-Sky King

----Crops -----

-Sky cane

-Iron bush

-Copper bush

-Steel bush

-Diamond bush

-Redstone bush

-Gold bush

-Esperio bush


-Sky bread

-Sky soup




-Levitation block

-Cobble brick

-Quartz pillar


-Builder wand

-Iron chest

-Copper chest (glitched GUI)

-Steel chest (glitched GUI)

-Dragonite fuel rod (you need to put that inside the dragonite reactor to make it work)


Minecraft mod files
SkyCreatorV1.jar - the mod Uploaded on: 11/24/2019 - 16:11   File size: 1.6 MB

Compared to my the Cloud mod this looks amazing. I think it's becouse the Cloud uses different eneergy system I named CE.
How your energy works?

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week!

Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit ( and Facebook page (

Wow, this is so awesome! Good job! I've mod some mods too, but they are waaay not as good as yours! Keep up the good work!

thank u so much. I was just thinking 'what to make what to make' and then I see this and I am immediately opening mcreator. thanks again for the inspiration

Very nice mod! This combination of extreme simplicity and pretty interesting gameplay is just mindblowing! :D