Saturn's Blood Diamonds

Published by rlySaturn on
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Blood Diamonds was made to continue progression after acquiring diamonds by upgrading diamond tools and armor. This mod adds 18 advancements, 2 sets of armor,  35 placable blocks, 2 food items, 22 tools and weapons, 17 items, 4 biomes and mobs, 2 structures, and 70+ new crafting recipes. I am eager to put as much into this mod as I can, so if you have any ideas for future updates or bugs that need to be fixed, please let me know on my discord below. I will hopefully update the mod every few weeks so be on the lookout for new versions. Discord-

v1.2.0 Changelog

  • 7 Advancements
  • 31 Blocks - Blood Diamond Furnace, Blood Star Crafting Table, Bloodwood Logs and Planks, Diamondwood Logs and Planks, Bloodstone and Diamondstone Bricks
  • 10 Item - Blood Chunks, Blood Shards, Blood Diamond Backpack
  • 12 Weapons and Tools - Blood Star Hammer and Pickaxe, Bloodwood and Diamondwood Tool Sets
  • 42 Recipies
  • 4 Biomes - Bloody Plains, Bloody Forest, Diamond Plains, Diamond Forest
  • 4 Mobs - Blood Zombie, Blood Skeleton, Blood Creeper, Bloody Pigman
  • 2 Structures, Bloody Pigmen Temple, Blood Star Altar
Minecraft mod files
BloodDiamonds1.15.2-1.1.0.jar - BloodDiamonds 1.15.2 - 1.1.0 Uploaded on: 06/17/2020 - 04:33   File size: 158.58 KB
BloodDiamonds1.15.2-1.2.1.jar - BloodDiamonds 1.15.2 - 1.2.1 Uploaded on: 06/24/2020 - 05:53   File size: 856.85 KB

v1.2.1 Changelog

Blood Diamonds are now only found in the new biomes, have been made more common, and spawn in larger veins. Also, if mined with silk touch and smelted in a Blood Diamond Furnace with a diamond as fuel it will output double the non-silktouched amount. Blood Star components can only be dropped by the Bloody Pigman boss, which will drop one random piece of the set. Both the new wood sets have full sets of tools that are slightly better than regular wood. The Blood Diamond Backpack has a total of 78 additional slots and  is crafted using blood diamonds, blood diamond blocks, and an enderchest.

  • 7 Advancements
  • 31 Blocks - Blood Diamond Furnace, Blood Star Crafting Table, Bloodwood Logs and Planks, Diamondwood Logs and Planks, Bloodstone and Diamondstone Bricks
  • 10 Item - Blood Chunks, Blood Shards, Blood Diamond Backpack
  • 12 Weapons and Tools - Blood Star Hammer and Pickaxe, Bloodwood and Diamondwood Tool Sets
  • 42 Recipies
  • 4 Biomes - Bloody Plains, Bloody Forest, Diamond Plains, Diamond Forest
  • 4 Mobs - Blood Zombie, Blood Skeleton, Blood Creeper, Bloody Pigman
  • 2 Structures, Bloody Pigmen Temple, Blood Star Altar

i like the reinforced blood diamond idea! also the diamond apples, if that's what they are.

These blood diamond ores are way too rare. Please make them more common.

Example: All of the tools and armor require eight blood diamond plates. To get blood diamond plates, you need to craft them with a blood diamond hammer which requires two blood diamonds and a blood diamond block which requires nine blood diamonds. Therefore, you need 38 blood diamonds to get a single piece of blood diamond gear (36 if you exclude the hammer). The rarity of the ores are a little too rare and not only that, they DO NOT spawn in ore veins meaning if you ever see a blood diamond ore, you'll only get ONE ore. So please, I'm begging you. Make them spawn more common and spawn them in veins.

I will tweak some of the settings an make the veins larger but they will only be found in the new biomes. Hopefully, this will make you experience more enjoyable. I have a general direction that I want to take this mod, but I'm not opposed to changing it to make it more fun. Thank you for your feedback!