
Published by PRiKLN on
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-Slimed Leather


-Rainbow Worm

-Marinated Chorus Fruit


-Steel Ball


-Swimming Helmet

-Underwater Helmet

-Jump Boots


-Diamond Pig

Steel Ball can burn and has really big knockback, when you are wearing Swimming Helmet you can see in water, Underwater Helmet has Swimming Helmet ability and water breathing. Chorus Pearl is reusable (64 uses). Jump Boots give you jump boost if "P" pressed. Slimed Leather is simple material, Rainbow Worm give you luck when eated, Marinared Chorus Fruit teleport you in random place and giving levitation when eated.


Most of recipes you can find in Advanced Book

Advanced Book recipe:

Book in the middle, Lapis in slot up, Ghast Tear in slot down.

Other recipes in this page


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Minecraft mod files
helpfulAditions v. 1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 06/02/2019 - 07:24   File size: 1.1 MB

Steel Ball can burn and has really big knockback, when you are wearing Swimming Helmet you can see in water, Underwater Helmet has Swimming Helmet ability and water breathing. Chorus Pearl is reusable (64 uses). Jump Boots give you jump boost if "P" pressed. Slimed Leather is simple material, Rainbow Worm give you luck when eated, Marinared Chorus Fruit teleport you in random place and giving levitation when eated.