Draganoidix9's Dead-Craft [depreciated]

Published by razar8 on
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Okay bad news: Development ended. New things are in my sights, plus the fact that this was just one of my short bursts of creativity.

But the good news: I finally posted my newest project, the Loot 'n' Booty mod! All the stuff that I thought was cool about this mod is now a part of that one, or at least planned to be. Go check it out!

Minecraft mod files
Dead-Craft 1.12.2 - Indev2_0.jar - Final file. Uploaded on: 06/20/2019 - 15:30   File size: 263.96 KB
  • Indev 2.0: Published Mod.
  • Indev 2.1: Fixed various things.
    • Fixed Achievements(?)
  • Depreciated 2.1
    • Stopped working on project

Hey, as this project is now officially discontinued, I won't be working on it anymore. But, there's some good news! I finally finished my newest creation, which carries stuff over from my projects like this. So if you haven't already, go check out the Loot 'n' Booty mod. We definitely had a good run, but now it's time for something a lot greater, trust me!

Well ladies and gentlemen, I don't feel like working on this anymore. What can you do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cool mod :)
I think you should change the logo, because (no offense) it's not as good as the mod :(
You could just take a screenshot of all the features and write the title there