Stone Sticks' Grand Cave Adventure Mod (Alpha)

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Pre-Alpha, for multiplayer testing

(Outdated below, but general idea)


Grand Cave Adventure: Stone Sticks

This mod, while wide in range, primarily focuses on expanding the mining experience, so one can spend days and weeks deep within a cave without having to come up for materials, and without getting bored. There are many quality of life tools to help with mining, smelting, vision, etc.



Glowing rocks common within caves. They glow and emit particles, adding some light to dark caves. The crystals can be used to make a weak but useful light source, like a worse Glowstone.



A toxic berry that grows like moss underground. It can be eaten normally, where it does give hunger similar to rotten flesh, or it can be smelted into Jam and put on bread to make Petraberry Toast, which might boost your mining speed for a little while. 



Topaz is a relatively common gem found in the overworld. It cannot be used in it's mined form, and must be refined using a refiner. Once refined, it can be used to make magical items, such as the Night Vision Helmet, the Toolsmith, and the Stargem. The Stargem is the most important of these, but is quite hard to make.



Amethyst is a semi-rare gem found in the overworld and in the End. A lot must be used in order to craft a Stargem. It can also be used to make the Haste Generator and the Cave Explorer. It often goes hand and hand with Topaz.



Silver is a somewhat-common ore found in the overworld. It can be smelted into Silver Ingots, and then into Quicksilver, and then into Boiled Quicksilver. Boiled Quicksilver can be used to create a Refiner, Stargem, and a Bottle O’ Enchanting. It spawns often, but in minisquel veins. It's ingots can also be used to craft a Silver Dagger, which enchants quite well.



Deep in the Overworld, Uranium can be found. It is a pain to mine, as it causes Radiation Sickness. It can be used to craft Uranium Bombs, a more powerful TNT alternative that's a lot more touchy, unstable, and can only be activated by redstone… just don't be near it when you flick the switch. Uranium can also be combined with Boiled Quicksilver to make Bottle O’ Enchanting.



Niter is a source of gunpowder you can find underground. Gunpowder can also be used to make Niter Blocks. If a Niter Block is caught an explosion, it will magnify said explosion instantly, far more effective than TNT.



Lead is an alternative to Iron. While it is slightly more common, it has slightly less uses on tools. It can only be used for tools and armor, however.



Copper sits comfortably between Iron/Lead tools and Diamond Tools. It can be used to make weapons and armor, but may also be used to create Lightning Rods, which can summon lightning during rain. 



Peridot is a rare gem that only spawns in volcano biomes. It is slightly stronger than Diamond tools, but requires diamond tools to mine, plus one must find a volcano first, avoid the lava, and then find the gem on top of that.



Wraith is a strange gem found in the Nether, similar to the Diamond. It can be made into good armor, or weaker tools. It can also be used to create a Wraithpearl. Holding a Wraithpearl in your primary hand renders you immune to fire.



Ruby is a rare gem that only spawns in Desert Biomes. It can be combined with a Stargem to create a Ruby Necklace, which gives magic resistance, but is otherwise a decoration.



Sapphire is a rare gem that only spawns in Forest Biomes. It can be combined with a stargem to create Sapphire Slippers, which give the wearer a little speed boost.



Pearls can be found in clams in oceans. They can be used as decorations. 



Bismuth is a very common gem, found deep underground. It can be turned into Bismuth Crystals which change color, or to Disco Blocks if combined with Glowstone.


Maple Forest

A red, fall themed biome



A dead, grey biome. Unique flowers that give the Wither effect spawn here, along with Skeleton Horses.



A tropical themed biome. Special unique flowers can be found here as well.


Salt Flats

Large deserts of salt which can sometimes house Salt Shrines, a structure bearing useful loot!



A fairly rare biome that is a mysterious empty ocean down to bedrock. Mining here can be a dangerous but profitable endeavor



An extremely rare biome located in the Surface, which imitates the End. 



A miniature mining hut found underground.


Underground Forest Shrine

A large underground druidic shrine


Underground Tomb

An underground tomb which houses a zombie spawner, as well as unique loot.


Nether Shrine

A fairly common structure in the Nether, which can be a source of gold. 



Combining a Diamond, an Amethyst Block and Topaz blocks can create a magical item known as a “stargem” it can be used for a great number of magical artifacts, including Sapphire Slippers, Ruby Necklace, Haste Generator, Lightning Rod, Cave Explorer, Wraithpearl, and Thunder Cannon. 


Thunder Cannon

Found in the End, the thunder cannon is an extremely powerful ranged weapon, which deals massive damage as well as extremely high knockback. Only, it's broken when found, and must be repaired.



The forge acts as an infinite lava source. It can be acquired by surrounding a furnace with lava in a crafting table.



The Toolsmith is a very useful block, which can convert stone rods into sticks. If you are deep within a cave and have just run out, pop out your Toolsmith and make some more right there. It can be built by surrounding a Refined Topaz with cobblestone.



The Refiner refines topaz into refined topaz so it can be used. It is crafted by surrounding Boiled Quicksilver with stone.



The cleaner is a block which turns Granite, Diorite, Andesite, and mossy cobblestone into normal cobblestone. 


Haste Generator

The Haste Generator is an expensive block which when activated, gives the user the Haste buff. It is useful to carry around while mining, but can be upgraded even more.


Cave Explorer

The cave Explorer is a block which can be built by surrounding a Haste Generator with Amethyst Blocks. It gives many buffs that one would find extremely useful while exploring the depths of the Overworld. 


Night Vision Helmet

Getting a gold carrot, a golden helmet, and a stargem can create a night vision helmet.

Minecraft mod files Uploaded on: 07/15/2019 - 00:45   File size: 898.18 KB
VERSION 1.2.jar Uploaded on: 07/15/2019 - 00:45   File size: 1.1 MB

Alpha 3.2

careful apparently you can't add anything ore related to the mods, even though there is a catagory

The ore pack rule was introduced after this mod was published. For current rules, check: Thank you for your understanding!

"Ore packs: mods such as ruby mod, emerald mod, (insert ore name here) ore mod, more ores types of mods, unless there is enough additional value to the mod beyond just new tools, armor, ores, ..."