Hello this is my first mod :)
I will add some new things so don't forget to see updates!
Hello, thanks everybody who downloaded this mod!
-Leonite ore
Mine it and you will get Leonite
Used to craft Leonite plates
-Leonite plate
With this you can make:
Leonite block, Leonite armor and Leonite tools
-Leonite tools and armor
They are better than diamond tools and armor
-Radioactive armor
It add some buffs
Its very expensive
-Radioactive sword
Its expensive and does some damage
Good to make if you have lot of diamonds!
-Leonite coal
Its 10x better than normal coal
-Leonite meat
Its expensive ..... meat
Best to use only if you are rich because its expensive!
-Radioactive block
Used for Radiation portal
-Radioactive candle
Used as igniter for Radiaton portal
-Radiation dimension
Normal green dimension ......
-Bugfix update
Added achievements!
-Craftable diamond sword!
-Leonite MultiTool
Looks like wand... but its MULTI-TOOL!
-Leonite pistol
Pistol made of Leonite
-Leonite Flamethrower
It makes fire!
From Minecraft story mode!
Leonite plate: Add Leonite to middle, middle left and right
Leonite block , armor and tools:
They makes like the vanilla recipes
Radioactive armor:
In middle diamond armor and next to it two Leonite plates
Radioactive sword:
In middle diamond sword, above it Leonite plate and under it stick
Leonite meat:
WARNING! Its expensive and its like normal meat!
In the middle Steak and on the left and right put Leonite plates
Leonite coal:
Coal in the middle and near it put Leonite plates
Radioactive block:
In middle diamond block and everywhere leonite plates
Radioactive candle:
Torch in middle , above and under it Leonite plates
Diamond sword:
In middle diamond sword and above,under,left and right put radioactive stone
Leonite pistol:
In middle bow and to left and right Leonite plates
Leonite Flamethrower:
In middle bow to left Flint and steel and to right , above and under it Leonite plates
Leonite MultiTool:
In middle Leonite pickaxe , above it Leonite shovel and under it Leonite axe
Leonite ore is spawning everywhere ( MCreator bug)
All of blocks can be mined by hand (Another MCreator bug)
If you are seeing achievements your MineCraft can get crashed
I cant add any new updates so I will delete the old versions so please dont be sad :)