The Saturn Mod Discontinued ('Til I have ideas)

Published by Whatupboi on
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The Saturn Mod is a mod that adds in things to do with Saturn.

-Saturn creative tab (well duh)

-Saturn block (for portal to Saturn)

-Pixel art of Saturn(used in 3x3 crafting grid to make Saturn block) only stacks up to 5

-Biomes in Saturn dimension (Saturn plains and Saturn roofed forest)

-Saturn rock and cobble

-Saturn dirt and grass

-Saturn fruit grows on Saturn oak trees, when broken they give you Saturn berries

-Saturn oak and Saturn dark oak

-Saturn iron and Saturn iron armor (tools and weapons coming soon ;D)

-All overworld ores in the Saturn dimension except iron is Saturn iron (big difference)

+So much more that you might as well explore in creative first before playing survival (and also get the JEI mod to view all the recipes)

Minecraft mod files
TheSaturnMod 1.4 beta Titan Addition 1 1.12.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/04/2019 - 10:18   File size: 805.27 KB

Alpha 0.1.0

So much I can't remember

Alpha 0.1.1 Bug fix 1

Removed "Saturn dark oak forest spawning in overworld (you will still have them if you have already loaded up a world using 0.1.0)

Alpha 0.1.2

Removed vines from spawning on custom trees as it looks ugly (you will still have them if you have already loaded up a world using 0.1.0 or 0.1.1)

Alpha 0.2.0 Combat Update

Added Saturn Iron tools (no hoe, you don't need one)

Increased toughness of Saturn Iron armor

Saturn gold now smeltable

Saturn Spruce forest now added

Beta 1.0.0 Bug fix 2

Made it so that Saturn spruce forest actually spawns in the Saturn dimension

Beta 1.1

Mod page logo now in game logo

Beta 1.2 The Saturnian System Update 1

Titan added (comes with so many new things, so many I can't be bothered to explain. Just explore in creative first)

Beta 1.3 The Vegetation Update 1

Saturn daisy

Saplings for all trees except recent Titan oak (ALL TREE SAPLINGS WIP!! THEY DO NOT WORK YET!! AND CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED IN CREATIVE!!)

Some texture tweaks ;D

Beta 1.4 Titan Addition 1

Just a few things ;)

I don't need that link I know like 40%-70% of the galaxy possibly even the entire Universe. But what ultrasquid and UnderWaves are saying, and what I'm saying is, Minecraft is a game of nonsense. So really, I can make anything that my heart desires as a Minecraft mod.

k, but you dont know 40-70%. Why? Its because of this:
We havent seen EVERTHING. There are so many Exoplantes etc. we havent seen yet. like, some weeks ago, we found a new exoplanet etc. and the galaxy is getting bigger sooo.... xd sry
But youre right .)

yeah, we only know about 3% of our universe. We even invent "measures" so that our brain can process the universe, but, i'm pretty sure the Universe, time and space, don't work according to our brain, according to our measure and representation of time. It works by its own logic. Hell, maybe tomorrow or in years even we'll find out that the concept of time was a lie and that the universe doesn't work as our mind want it to work.

We don't know if we're alone in the universe too and we will probably never will since it infinitely expands. There's around 700 quintillion planets in our universe and a great example of species that will never find eachother is No Man's Sky. In this game, you'll rarely encounter anyone at all, unless you go to that metallic sphere I forgot the name of. That's because there's around 18 quintillion planets.

PART 1/???

Here's some calculations I made while trying to figure out how much time you'd spend before finding someone in the universe of No man's sky:

there were 20,871 peak players the last 30 days. Considering that there are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets in NMS, we also consider the fact that a player will spend around a hour or two on the game, if he is on creative mode and only tries to find more planets.

PART 2/???

he's on a PS5, he should have a loading time of 13 seconds.
13x12 = 156 seconds in two hours. the player should load for about 156 seconds.
we now do 7200 - 156 = 7044 seconds of discovering planets on system.
The player would probably explore about 10 minutes per system, and so would explore around 10 to 12 systems in two hours. We then do:
7044/12 = 587 seconds per system.
The player would take about 2 minute looking at a planet, and each system he explores has 5 planets. (this is the part that might become innacurate because there systems that go from 1 to 6 planets)
And so we do 587/5 = 117.4, which is almost 2 minutes. Our calculations are correct for now.

as said previously, there are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets in NMS, and so we must do 117.4x18,446,744,073,709,551,616, or 117.4x2^64=2.1656478e+21.

PART 3/???

Now we divide this number by the number of players NMS had when it peaked the last 30 days:
2.1656478e+21/20,871 = 1.0376349e+17

That's right, the player would take about 1.0376349e+17 seconds, or 31709791,983764585108 centuries to find another player. Yup.


PART 4/4

Please don't post your mod multiple times :)
Use the same mod page for updates.